
upon checking my iso i somehow never explained it gj me

there were a few micro moments where i saw something he posted and thought ā€œoh yeah this is town processā€ (#1689, his entire treatment of gorta d2)

plus dont really have any concerns about his macro, i just think wolf coasting by on good looking posts doesnt have micro this good

why did you need to check your iso
do you just not remember your reads
generally iā€™d say thatā€™s an indication of themā€¦ not being real

you are like

doubly overestimating how invested i am in this game

why tf am I still at the bottom

Also, I just want to say weā€™re over 24 hours into this day and nothing has happened like at all

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@Gorta where the fuck are you

because your posts havent gotten better

and i think you outing you have a doublevote yesterday for no reason then getting your vote publicly stolen feels like too much of a coincidence

I want to call Gorta scum honestly now that Iā€™ve read his ISO, he isnā€™t doing anything unlike what heā€™s done in his recent town games, it just feels like heā€™s nodding in agreement to literally everyone else

Then I can prove it tomorrow if I still have my vote lmao

By the way, you know Iā€™m not a passive doublevoter,

wazza you have played with gorta right

Recently heā€™s been actually making reads, here heā€™s just agreeing with the crowd

Imma just out my entire ability
Iā€™m a 3-Shot doublevoter
so yes I can still prove myself tonight

no heā€™s not

he disagreed with the lol scumread
he voted nightingale yesterday

the posts he responded to proph with were also probably out of his wolfrange, especially the ā€œyouā€™re just biased from that game you hostedā€ post

this is uhhhhhh


kiiruma and brad trending down is kinda giving me red flags ngl

because that was around the time thread was starting to turn on them

did you not read his reasoning for any of those votes

tone and gut, iā€™m aware
itā€™s not AI

none existent things

Compare it to his recent town games

Also, wtf are your reads, genuinely

i have a secret read and im not sure whether its better to out it rn or not

because it being useful is kinda conditional on something else happening which is probably a bad idea