what does this have to do with my post

yes, i am aware i cannot convince people to vote your wolf mate however there is a chance i can get them to vote you

arctic you are digging your own grave because your head is stuck so far up your own ass

oh please

why misty over anyone else?

have you considering re-evaluating once or are you gonna stick to voting the same villagerā€™s over and over and blaming them once they die


i havenā€™t done this
the lol flip is on me and so is yours if youā€™re town

someone did and im pretty sure it was you who said it was lolā€™s fault for not acting towny enough

your mindset is
lock someone as scum for poor reasons
look and vote someone else
return to that person

Due to this there is no point in defending myself so
I have a life to get to and Iā€™ll be busy before eod so not sure if Iā€™ll be here but

Proph/Mist/Cat/Gorta/Cape contains at least 2
Brad and kiiruma are probably good
Wazza is eh
Arctic is questionable

wasnā€™t me
try again

Brad im most confident in, wazza im the least, but still watch out for arc

It was someone who talks like you
Mist/wazza maybe

Anyway bye
Not gonna say Donā€™t lose but donā€™t get steamrolled

What is even going on.

Alright here is the plan

Never Kill:

Probably not mafia:

IDK anymore:

Probably 2 mafia:

This is my legacy, sheep me to victory

please explain your proph read

read day 2 and you will see why im voting Proph + I think they have TMI + I donā€™t think they look good with the deaths of Squirrel + Isolde.

Funny how people keep saying I look bad off spew when Proph looks almost worse

I donā€™t think we have played before have we?

I trust Arctic now and Iā€™m seeing that Mist has kinda slipped back a bit.
But unless I think that Capeā€™s being bussed, then I should be townreading them.
And by townreading themā€¦ I think I need to vote for Atlas or Prophy.

IDK why Iā€™m doing this.
I know Iā€™m going to be had a go at post game for doing this.

But the only potential wolf on Atlas is catbae to me (And yes I can easily see this)
Bradā€™s changing of votes constantly has been a headache but theyā€™re on Misty which Iā€™m more ok with now than I wouldā€™ve been earlier.

Iā€™m losing my mind.