[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

personally believe we should send in our inquisition again

It’s probably not going to happen tbh.
Every consequence from every choice that has been chosen so far has been executed with no side-effects, and the only “side-effects” we have had (e.g. the most recent Sanctuary issue) were caused because the consequences was unclear, e.g. “50% chance of working”.

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guava try not to actively sabotage their own team challenge

No. I think it is guaranteed that some region’s Military stat is going to raise.
The “consequences” of our actions is probably something like: “We won the fight, but the war continues,” or something.

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the consequences were so blatantly clear to anyone capable of doing basic math

VOTE: Choice B

oh right i forgot
no library
guess the barons will be left lacking there forever

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Yeah, but in all fairness that was because you voted an option which says: “10% chance of working, based on Faith” when your region IIRC had 4 Faith.

We did that to avoid
our military

we sent in three guys in a hat and we lost most of our military

Not really. You Grandees clearly chose for a stable answer while we simply wanted none of those since the consequences of the other options were unfavorable to us.

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Hm… Understandable.
But also: 45% > 10%.

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we chose the answer that wasn’t going to cripple our faith dipshit

your faith is still the highest relax

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yet for how long

season 3 is almost over and we have no plans to lower ur faith

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I mean… It still isn’t crippled. I’d imagine that the Kingdom is still not amicable towards the Grandees for supporting the church, who had let the criminal go.

So. Your faith is still high, and your relationship with the Kingdom is still bad.
Nothing changed.

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I don’t think we are at war with the count, Italée


i don’t think we’re the ones people are mad at here