[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I would help the grandees
but they would fucking bite off your hand if the counts were placed in this situation

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I mean no not really if counts were in this situation we would be raising your defiance

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morally I think it only makes sense to raise defiance

Define “you”, because I’m pretty sure I didn’t do jack shit to cause your present misery.

Uh… Define consequences. Like, at worst, we would be losing Wealth, but that’s about it.
–oh, and Nuto. We don’t want that, so we will vote Choice C.

If litten wants to talk with zone alone he can. I have to be… elsewhere (playing kotc with my discord friends :P) so my hands are tied.

Enjoy, you two


I mean. You could. It’s just damn difficult.


imagine having discord friends


I know litten has the best interests in heart even if his methods are… irregular

Okay I got to go to target

i’ll join :point_right::point_left:


me too i need some alcohol


best interest include “trying to win without feeling like a bad person”

got to go to target first though

I’ll be real here: Probably @Squirrel2412 or @crazynuto.
I mean, there is also @beancat, but she has just joined the game, so she might be out of touch.

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ill gladly join the thread and shitpost

How much money would the barons be losing from crazy dying

Morally, it would make sense for any Non-Baron to kill in-lore Nuto for coming up with the idea of the fucking guillotine. But uh… I am a Baron, so… This is awkward.

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half of us betrayed silviu anyways apparently so fuckin’ go for it
seize the day

None of us bothered to raise an objection in trial