[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

Gunpowder Smuggling

Spymaster: Your Highness, the Barons of the March are attempting to amass a store of gunpowder. You know, the explosive black powder from Kirth?
Eliza: Gunpowder? Where can I get some of that?
Spymaster: Kirth is the only place that produces it in large quantities, Your Majesty. The Republic is very careful about controlling their supply, and unfortunately, they’re rabidly anti-Monarchist. The Barons have established contracts with Kirth merchants, no doubt at a great expense. Without the coin to purchase more powder, however, their plot will fail. As it stands, the Baron’s trade is strong though to procure a large gunpowder stockpile. If you wish to stop them, you’ll have to act fast.

You bring the revelations—which the Barons whole-heartedly deny— to the Council.

Vote: What should we do about the Baron’s gundpower smuggling?

A: Slap heavy tariffs on all imports to the March. (-Trade, +Defiance)
B: Threaten Kirth with sanctions for supplying gunpowder to the Barons. (Delay Scheme for one season)
C: Allow the Barons to import whatever they please. VETO’D

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Gundpowder. GUNDAM POWDER.


Hi. I would like to— Oh. Oh no. The Grandees will screw us over, or attempt to do so.

There is no world where they don’t screw us over. There is no reason for them to not screw us over; it’s a “we go down, but not alone” type of cliché.

…oh well. I might as well just do my best.

VOTE: Choice C

VOTE: Choice C
I see nothing wrong with gunpowder ngl

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VOTE: choice v

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good choice


VOTE: choice c


Veto has been placed on C.

this is probably completely unnecessary but


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VOTE: choice b

How many powers do you have…?
Or rather, you didn’t take new powers?

VOTE: choice b

nah the time to is up
there’ll come another one soon but

VOTE: Choice B

the monarch realizes that if the barons and counts don’t screw each other over they can’t win lmao

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Litten, ILY in this game, but I am very much doubtful you can convince your fellow Counts to not screw us Barons over if they wish to do so.

The result of the Barons’ 2nd Scheme are totally on the hands of the Counts.

…unless people slank again, but at that point we [EXPUNGED].