[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I can try

Okay. Hold on.

@ElizaThePsycho, how does victory work?
“First to finish all their schemes win”, or something else?

first to finish stage 3 of their scheme wins
there’s alternative win conditions but that’s the main one

Am I correct to understand that we all have finished our first stages of our schemes?


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VOTE: choice b

VOTE: Choice A


mostly rebellion

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you can also get voted to win if i drop dead

all i’m saying is
do you really think being strongarmed into waiting another 3 cycles will take less time than increasing your trade slightly

What italy said for the barons

To the counts: reducing their trade could slow em down way further~

I mean really there is a clear answer for us anyway :upside_down_face:

we only have your best interests at heart
especially when your best interests are our best interests

How DARE you Queen Eliza. There’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing.

Okay, so we have diplomacy going on.

At the moment, the Counts and the Barons are at peace; there is no reason for one to screw over the other.


Like, us Barons kinda wanted peace with the Grandees as well, but they screwed us over around Season 2 IIRC, so we are very unlikely to cooperate, ever. I would like to believe they are still in good terms with the Counts though.

There are only two choices at the moment; Vote A and screw Barons’ 2nd Scheme over, or Vote B and delay Barons’ 2nd Scheme.

If Counts vote A, then us Barons are forced to retaliate at some point by voting against them in the future. If Counts vote B, then we maintain our peace and help each other out with our schemes.

As the de facto leader of the Barons, I would like to believe that it is the mindset of all Barons to prioritize fun over victory. That is, we are fine with the Counts winning if it means that we all have fun.

The only reason us Barons wouldn’t have fun right now -aside from slankers existing- is if the Counts rob us of our time now by purposefully failing our 2nd Scheme.

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VOTE: Choice B

The best of bad worlds.

VOTE: Choice B


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VOTE: Choice A

Y’know maybe if we just have some more defiance up in here it’d be great.

voting B can debilitate your scheme more than voting A does