[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!


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Monarch’s Vote has been placed on C.



well then

See our Monarch wants C.
Our Monarch doesn’t want us to investigate and you trust that she has your best interests in mind?

this Monarch is a heretic


What does stability do

Well now choosing C also screws over the barons. It’s a clear choice for the counts and Grandees

Post can’t be empty


she used Monarch vote not iron choice


Oh sadge
Ignore what I said barons


But your majesty. Doesn’t that quite hurts you!?!

think of it as how stable the kingdom is

where 1 is about to fall apart and 10 is incredibly tight knit

none of the stats directly “do” anything unless a Scheme is involved
if, however, Stability reaches zero, the game is over and a vote is held to decide who wins.

I was going to switch to A because I like barons for no actual reason besides it sounding cool but now C still makes sense

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it’s obviously relevant in schemes

It does not harm her one bit. In fact it seems it benefits her, since she is willing to go for it. Baring in mind that she would wish for authority to be raised, in contrary to others’ wishes.

certain events may occur only if stats are low or high tho