[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

barons need four or less

then that’s on the barons for picking a shit wincon?
you could see the Queen’s wincon before you pick yours :man_shrugging:

but I still think I don’t want to vote C


@grandees after killing all the other gods

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So either way it’s appointed by the monarch, but if we vote for a trial we can sort of influence it, whereas if we vote for the spymaster it’s like. we did it to ourselves if the spymaster ends up being corrupt

plus trials typically have a jury.

I think even though it “doesn’t change that much” it still makes a difference, even if it’s slight, I’d rather make that change than not. Like, “we can’t go all the way, so why bother” mentality makes the situation worse, always

I’m sorry to the barons but like if our main options are have the queen’s spymaster investigate or trust us to hold a trial… well, I know that we are in better hands if it’s not our own

You don’t trust yourself and your fellow councilmates? What’s the point of the council at all, then, if you can’t trust it to make the right decisions?

You do realize that:

  1. Judges don’t get to decide the result of a trial; the Jury does.
  2. Assassinating people who is not directly affiliated to the Queen is easier than the guy called “the Spymaster”.

Heck, you don’t even have to kill 'em. You can also “distract them” (by means of causing “accidents”, to postpone the trials).

The point of the council is specifically so the queen doesn’t make the choices. We never claimed to be better at governing than her.


If anything she’s probably more capable, but just wanted to fob it off on us

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Yeah I mean, I don’t actually want to be here, but the queen has specifically told us that if we don’t start showing up she will tax us more for being lazy, if anything we should blame her for this whole council thing


If she’s “more capable”, why don’t we just not vote at all?
If we’re so incapable of making correct decisions, why don’t we all just bail?

Personally, I think we’re a great council, save for. the incident that has occured.


Well the queen will tax us more
So we are the scapegoats

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I don’t know if the trial means we investigate

It probably just makes whatever happens more public.

transparency with the public is good.

I imagine the spymaster will also deliver us a personal report at the next council meeting to be fair, but for the trial, I really really want to be a witness

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For you, maybe. As a count, however, I enjoy things shrouded in secrecy

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You call it an incident.
Yet who is one to truly judge someone for an honorable duel?

legends say if you spy on our secret meetings you can hear the distinct noise of loud jellyfish jam music

zone we aren’t in america there is no such thing as a jury