Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

do you get why that would make me not trust you though
cause im pretty sure your first read that game was a locktown on one of the wolves

you retracted it, but still


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its day 1 stop being a nerd

u will tryhard later

Lock town

Fuck your expectations

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Its funny because fmpov you seem to be tryharding rn for lol standards :nerd_face:

True and based take

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Do you have a link to a game where you showed this attitude as town?

nah i play like this when im a wolf achro can confirm its not super tryhard yet

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my mindset this game was oh well achro is probably town and heā€™s probably going to do stuff and iā€™ll intervene when necessary but likeā€¦ i donā€™t really care, i donā€™t mind taking a back seat and letting things happen

i think leafia is mafia and sheā€™s getting voted, i donā€™t object to any of the consensus townreads and i townread all of the strong players with influence (litten does not have influence right now)

iā€™m not sold on litten being mafia i think he could go either way

iā€™m waiting for the lowposters to do stuff like i said because if i start townreading most of them then it might be a bad omen

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Iā€™m pretty sure lol is incapable of rolling villager

im gonna die and the rolecard will be red due to a system error or something


Iā€™m like 87% sure I didnā€™t town read Bean until later and I called Bean wolf by the end of the game.

I was wrong on like 1 town core read

Which as I stated with my list. Iā€™m usually wrong on 0 to 1. 1 wrong town core read is usually my max Iā€™m good at what I do.

i meant baker

Fair. Oh fuck I was wrong on 2 that game lolā€¦ thatā€™s honestly rare for me.

this is also because I subscribe to the theory that no matter how good or bad townā€™s reads are early on, if they are controlling the narrative and wolves arenā€™t, town will eventually figure it out, and right now i donā€™t think wolves are putting shit in the narrative. and this is why if i was a wolf, i would be putting shit in the narrative

I probably rambled on too much about this, but this is an explanation of why I donā€™t mind letting other people control the game when Iā€™m town but not when Iā€™m mafia

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Pretty sure I was right on more than I was wrong on TR side.

Iā€™m shit at scum reads but thatā€™s why Iā€™m changing my read style.

Leafia was town reading me. It was a challenge.

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yeah if ur town im gonna hope ur on your A game instead of whatever that atrocity was so when you get voted out d2 i can look into it

To focus heavily on TRing