Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

My goal is to 1000 post this game

Apoglixies for not quoting yet I’m still reading just to make sure

ok I’m done reading

I’ll grab the posts and explain how their switch on lol made absolutely no sense

Merpy Lol Progression d1/d2

I can’t really ignore this progesssion on lol, esp considering the fact that Merpy was hard pushing Lol d1/d2, yet after voting me over a wolf, decided to suddenly town read lol. I personally think they are just wolves together which is why tutuu was killed, and I think they both had tmi on each other, and this player realizes they can’t afford to get lol executed

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yeah no I can’t buy that explanation lmao

Take time I sick so I’m reading on and off

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really if you read the explanations
and then look at the d3 one
it just makes no sense

I’ll kill Lol today to see how he flips I don’t just want to 180 my read on Merpy for that just because I’ve made similar flips on reads like over night.

But it does look bad I admit.

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also their vote on me was criminal in so many ways that if I was a vig I would have shot them for it

I need to go reread lol but the reason I had them both as wolves is I found other people townier

Refresh my mind on what the game state was when she voted you?

VC ect

let me find it

They tried to break a tie to kill a villager

I think Lol fits in world with Drinks or Merpy but I do find out a little weird to feel like Lol would hard bus like that…I dunno. I can’t town read Lol I don’t really have a reason to that is compelling other than that when I real time with him it feels… towny.

Etha felt real time in townie tbf every time I went back in thread I forgot why I wolf read them and then I open up their iso and go back to wanting to kill them
but fair, I’ll talk a look shortly

Etha (5): lol, Drinks, Jormok, tutuu, Magnus
Litten (4): Arctic, Zenon, Doodleshy, MerpyDerpy

It wasn’t tied though

And I’m not gonna lie your wagon looks… kinda clean too me lol

What matters is they thought they were breaking it

I have to be misclearing someone…