Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

We don’t have to blame anyone. Just try your best :+1:

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Where’s your head at, Merpy?

I’m in a game of DBD atm. Uhhh was leaning toward you being wolf?

Yeah but I’m not. Surviving one night doesn’t outweigh an entire towngame.

Here is the progression I’m talking about.

Outside of your one chat with Zorvo earlier, how does that compartmentalise his previous behaviour in your head? Just to get a grasp of your progression today.

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Here’s the thing: I feel like they’re like too determined if they were wolf if that makes sense. Also, I am trying to understand why Zorvo would night kill Demi. Ig as a frame? This night kill felt rlly weird to me. Anyways, it feels like Zorvo is putting a lot of emotion into what they’re saying despite all of the wolfy things they did (in my opinion). Like I feel like it could be genuine. It’s hard for me to say tho

Wait what? :thinking:

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Do you remember what WiM is?

In hindsight, ig I could also argue that Zorvo’s sudden jump in determination could be them trying to rlly create a town case for themselves as wolf. Like they’re trying rlly hard to sell the idea. It’s difficult to tell imo. It felt more town-lean to me despite everything they did. Though, I will admit, it is hard to disregard what they did

No idea lol. Sorry :sweat_smile:

Wants it More.” It refers to motivation. It’s undeniable that Zorvo clearly wants to win this game, and he’s fighting for it more than he had been a few days ago. What do you think changed?

Let me rephase: I have a conflicting read of Zorvo bc they have like a mountain of evidence against them imo, but they seemed rlly genuine in this day. That’s what I meant by “disregard”. I feel like they could be town, but it’s hard to ignore their previous behavior

If Zorvo’s town it’s you from my perspective, just so you’re aware.

It’s rlly hard to tell. Upon further reflection, I don’t think this motivation isn’t alignment indicative.

Let me explain:
Town Zorvo - Zorvo realizes they made a lot of oopsies and genuinely wants to make it right. In hindsight, I think I had a subconscious bias to trust Zorvo here bc I didn’t want to leave the game with a negative impression of them
Wolf Zorvo - Zorvo rlly wants to win after bussing his teammates bc he thinks it would be something to brag home about

The same goes for me. You had mentioned that you were pretty much town cleared and started mentioning how almost everyone trusted Zorvo. It felt like you were trying to indirectly tell Zorvo that you are both town clear, and that I’m the obvious vote

This also made me start to doubt u

Also, couldn’t this technically be false? What if I’m town, and I falsely trust Zorvo?