Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Yeah I did vote Jorm every time I pointed that out before lol.

When Jorm and Kiiruma got executed though, my vote was on them due to Arctic.

And I want to suffer

If I was wolf, I would’ve let the hammer thing slide and brush it off as “Zorvo chaos”. I am being vocal about this because I wanted that time to discuss with the town. Since we don’t have confirmable info, our discussion time is precious


In other words, I wouldn’t be nearly as fired up if I was wolf

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I can believe this

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Lol’s wagon on the third day interests me here, because he didn’t pres-vote onto Jormok when pressure was on his back.

Hmmm what are you thinking exactly? :thinking:

lol (3): Litten, Zorvo, Doodleshy

lol (4): Doodleshy, Litten, Zenon, MerpyDerpy

I don’t think evils coordinated very well in this game. Etha went down quickly and Lol capitalised on that opportunity, and when Lol was going down it makes sense to imagine the third wolf also did the same thing.
It doesn’t look like Demisha voted Lol on D3 from what I’ve seen thus far, though.

Was Demisha not around?

Legacy reads.

So are you suggesting you think Demi didn’t want Lol to be voted out? In other words, they’re the other wolf?

Yes. I mentioned this before, but Etha and Jormok (who were unaligned) both said I was town for very similar reasons

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Funnily enough, the only people who have legitimately pushed me this game were Lol (a flipped wolf) and Zorvo (who I am now considering a potential wolf suspect)

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lol (2): Litten, Doodleshy
MerpyDerpy (2): Zorvo, lol
Drinks (1): Zenon
Arctic (1): Jormok
Jormok (1): Magnus

Not Voting (4): Arctic, MerpyDerpy, Drinks, Demisha

Demisha was last around on that day when the votes were like this. Her unvote tied Lol’s wagon with Drinks.

Who would you have voted on D3?

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I could pretend to push you if you’re looking for variety.

It tied Lol with Drinks? Based on this vote, it looks like me and Lol are tied there. :thinking:

Whenever you get the chance, could you get the final vote count for that day (or the specific tie you’re referring to)?

Lmao. At this point, it would be kinda funny. Up to you. I’m curious to hear what you could even argue for me :thinking:

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Demisha unvoted a bit earlier. #6774.


Drinks (2): lol, Zenon
lol (2): Litten, Zorvo
Arctic (1): Jormok

Not Voting (6): Doodleshy, Arctic, Magnus, MerpyDerpy, Drinks, Demisha

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