Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

So are you suggesting you think Demi didn’t want Lol to be voted out? In other words, they’re the other wolf?

Yes. I mentioned this before, but Etha and Jormok (who were unaligned) both said I was town for very similar reasons

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Funnily enough, the only people who have legitimately pushed me this game were Lol (a flipped wolf) and Zorvo (who I am now considering a potential wolf suspect)

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lol (2): Litten, Doodleshy
MerpyDerpy (2): Zorvo, lol
Drinks (1): Zenon
Arctic (1): Jormok
Jormok (1): Magnus

Not Voting (4): Arctic, MerpyDerpy, Drinks, Demisha

Demisha was last around on that day when the votes were like this. Her unvote tied Lol’s wagon with Drinks.

Who would you have voted on D3?

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I could pretend to push you if you’re looking for variety.

It tied Lol with Drinks? Based on this vote, it looks like me and Lol are tied there. :thinking:

Whenever you get the chance, could you get the final vote count for that day (or the specific tie you’re referring to)?

Lmao. At this point, it would be kinda funny. Up to you. I’m curious to hear what you could even argue for me :thinking:

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Demisha unvoted a bit earlier. #6774.


Drinks (2): lol, Zenon
lol (2): Litten, Zorvo
Arctic (1): Jormok

Not Voting (6): Doodleshy, Arctic, Magnus, MerpyDerpy, Drinks, Demisha

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Compiled final VCs in the summary.

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This scenario only holds up because Arctic expressed the opinion that the last wolf was between Kiiruma and Drinks, with Demisha as a backup. Otherwise killing Doodleshy today wouldn’t be as plausible.
How do you think this happens?

For one, Etha’s criticism doesn’t really feel partnered with Zorvo. Secondly, as Arctic pointed out, Etha was highly protective of Doodleshy, and we know she didn’t throw Lol under the gauntlet until EOD2 as anti-spew. Etha tried to read her teammates in a favourable light.
@Demisha would you agree with this?

(#9352) is my source.

Honestly it’s like.
Despite my bias ness.

You’d have some real guts to challenge me here as a wolf. Arctic also can meta read me real well and as he said I was meta town and even Tutuu locked in both me and Arctic as town, I also wouldn’t kill Tutuu.

So at least if you are a wolf, I can agree you played a good game, I was basically the only town member to majorly suspect you.

And just to rub it into Arctic’s meta.

I think if your a wolf your a better meta wolf then Arctic.

This isn’t against Arctic.
This is just my personal opinion

I’m sorry what?

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I said even before Jorm died, Etha probably town read both their teammates.

Additional reason why I was townreading both Jorm and Kiiruma’s slots.

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You gotta promise me though if you are a wolf how SCARED you were when both you and lol were in thread together and I called you both out as wolves.

Honestly if you wolf and you thought pushing on me would make me town read you well…

You’re partly right.

It’s kinda like, no one in this game accused you of being a wolf straight out except for me.

Zenon considered you but retract it back into a town read at the end and Tutuu called you and lol containing one wolf.