Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

you literally just said “lol was nicer as a wolf” right above this

Why do you hate people with D in their names?


I am aware, I remembered when I posted that.

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cuz liking D is gay

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man it turns out I missed a lot why didn’t you tel me to read the thread arctic

I am dumb, I am sorry. Anyway, My views on lol stay the same. I am probably wrong, now that I am looking back on it, but wanna stay with my list.

Like other than “lol mean” I have that they liked leafia town, and I felt a post of theirs was them being sneaky and telling us they were wolf but not a funny joke way.
I think they did that last game iirc.

damn this post looks with context

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nevermind, looking back on it, it is a joke. what was I on last night? lack of sleep? Tired of looking at posts?

every post Zenon makes makes me want to burn them with fire

yes the genius plan of having no plan

gonna change my answer to Litten and drinks. I know, haha funny right?

I just don’t like the rude, and they keep picking on my top town read. Also I feel like it was a trick to ask me about the whole “who would you pick” thing to hopefully get me away from drinks?

Anyway uh… VOTE: Litten

Thanks for helping me clarify my thoughts a bit!

whats the point of switching when drinks already had votes and litten didn’t

Gives a chance for Drinks to get into it a bit, Also Kingmaker shenanigans. also I switched off of Merpy, not drinks, lmao

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I think they’d need to go next if they still were not at all active


oh sorry, i just assumed you were voting drinks. so you were still voting merpy from your first post lol?

Jormork is town btw