Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


Town Core. I’m wrong on 1 max in most cases.


Just below that. Much more likely wrong here on multiple in most cases.

Everyone else PoE.

Zorvo what do you think of the fact that i was sleeping while zenon was posting and i gave that read after i woke up.

That feels like important context you arent factoring in

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I wonder if Achro!Wolf can kill me tonight and get away with it.

They probably could.

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Dope I didn’t violate my agreement about no gif posting

@Drinks hi drinks! Whats ur experience level?

I do like this NGL.

I answered that bb.

Blah blah blah

God Ryujin is so hot I am so badly in love

I’d break up with both my partners to date her no cap

I killed the thread lols

I’m pretty obv town

Come N1 me woofies. Help me be in less mafia games I’m in like 12 right now… help

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Please explain how it’s wrong.

[quote=“Magnus, post:480, topic:5305, full:true”]

I figured if Arctic was a wolf, him backing down from scumreading me was more likely after that post by Achro.

Kind of hard when it’s possible that I’m wrong about you being town, although I don’t think I am.

Laughs No oneshould ever get a townread for volume though. Wolves can do it as well after all. It’s not hard.

I think you were partmof a wolf hydra in a game with me once. I might be wrong though.

Yeah. Fine with locking Zenon in as town for now.

I don’t think you’re thinking of the same sparkling water that I am.

Yeah. I feel like this is pretty accurate.

Please explain this. I don’t think w!Litten would be acting this way and his line of thinking feels very villagery to me.

Yes and you’re currently at it.

Please change your vote to someone who isn’t obvious town.

If you’re a villager like I think you are, you’ll still be alive in lylo no matter what after last game I feel.

Oh okay i missed this

I was (still somewhat am) paranoid that you are mafia mimicing that … unfortunate “running gag”. Because you know that i know that you scumreading me every game is absurd. And that you were expecting me to townread u for it. But it being your humor is also believable, i can see that. I dont think wolf you wouldnt not scumread me too though (triple negative there even i dont understand what i wrote. I meant that wolf u would probably play it out the same. But … Paranoia usually doesnt lead to good results, ill trust my townread on u. Achro tring u helps too)

Why is litten obv town? If uve written a post on it, could you direct me to it?

Doodle is obv town. I don’t know their pronouns fuck…

They are posting comfortably joking about their alignemt not caring about how they are gonna be perforce by pushing the narrative they would play this way as wolf. They are open and honest about their play. They are pure as fuck.

Doodle is blatantly town.

Fwiw if i towncore someone i tend to skim over their posts afterwards. This is nothing personal, im just trying to minmax my time efficiency :sweat_smile:

My only hydra was Neon Genesis Marluxion and we were town