Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


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EoDs are panic and overthought that often lead town down the wrong path.

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Was that to make sure Arctic sees this, or to ask if Artic is sure?

Tunneled Tutuu but they may be right in flipping the clin in my head

you need refunds on ur eods

ill be honest i spent a decent amount of time learning how to find all my posts hearted by arctic this game convinced i would catch him in a lie of him hearting a previous joke of me scumreading him and there was this one post of me calling him frozen but it probably doesnt mean that much and i feel like this rn
and i should probably stop because it will be so embarassing if litten is town and im just trying hard to win but at some point doing too much is just not worth it, like …

ok since i might be a nerd or autistic the way that im thinking of this is a mathematical formula

the amount of effort X i put into burying litten could result in potential reward Y of me winning the game, but at the cost of Z potential embarassment for me if he’s town

so in order to decide if i should continue what im doing, im evaluating all three of X, Y and Z variables

at this point Y is getting so tiny compared to Z, lets arbtirarily say Y is 100 times smaller than Z

so the constant of ε = 100 is my threshold that i should just stop and breathe and touch grass

also im terrified at how the fuck am i going to play when i rand wolf if i need to emulate this town game. literally how. what the fuck am i doing to myself


Rein is like one of 3 tanks I am incapable of playing.

I’m a Dva main

I main Kiri when I play support

I main Tracer when I play dps

But I play a lot of others

what the fuck


okay I’ll make your life easier I’m town stop doing math and vote wolves


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The other two? I main tank mainly so I can roughly play all of them, so I’m curious.

Rofl even

you’re adorable


I need to stop overthinking by avoiding all EoDs


What the fuck…



at this point I’ll stop ignoring you and just say read etha’s posts and tell me with a straight face you think I should be flipped first



Keep feeling like this! Unless it’s bad feeling, then stop!

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tutuu ur posting this game has reminded me of when i used to spew my every single thought into the thread and made myself obv town every game this way but it would inevitably make me more obv as wolf