Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

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The other two? I main tank mainly so I can roughly play all of them, so Iā€™m curious.

Rofl even

youā€™re adorable


I need to stop overthinking by avoiding all EoDs


What the fuckā€¦



at this point Iā€™ll stop ignoring you and just say read ethaā€™s posts and tell me with a straight face you think I should be flipped first



Keep feeling like this! Unless itā€™s bad feeling, then stop!

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tutuu ur posting this game has reminded me of when i used to spew my every single thought into the thread and made myself obv town every game this way but it would inevitably make me more obv as wolf


Kill Etha then Lol for achromatic

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I main tank but in OW1 I was an off tank so the flip to single tank was no bueno

I can play Ball Ram Dva Queen amaze balls

Sigma Zarya Hog decent

Rein Orisa Doom nope bad donā€™t put me on them

Thatā€™s one word for it. I wouldā€™ve chose insane.

See, I like to thought spew too, just that my thoughts are big dumb and chaotic. I honestly hold myself back sometimes cause I go ā€œthatā€™s too bad for me to say, thatā€™s like an insta bury, donā€™t throw the gameā€ Iā€™m leaving this unfiltered to kinda prove that point.

Tutuu can be both!

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VOTE: Jormok
Congrats on throwing the game and getting buried

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Darn, smh smh smh

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I mean I kinda do thought spew is not impossible to replicate as scum

VOTE: etha