Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

and just like that tutuu lost the game gg tutuu nice try

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if you actually think sheā€™s mafia iā€™m voting you


i was making fun of her thinking I was mafia and voting me

Idk man, why didnā€™t Litten continue trying to push me. :man_shrugging:

Well they never directly pushed me but there was a potential setup.

For the record tutuu I donā€™t think you are crazy with your read I understand it, you just donā€™t really understand me and I think you have confirm biased yourself so hard that you canā€™t even look at another slot and see obvious signs of there being a wolf, it does not take a rocket scientist to open up Etha iso and see tmi everywhere

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because youā€™re obviously town and he knows iā€™d murder him if he pretended to not see it

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What is this?

Itā€™s the fact if someone said I am a town v town with everyone there has to be something wrong somewhere yeah?

Am I?

The 2 votes placed on me says otherwise.

wdym it turns real? why am i town?

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Tbh they have been getting the least attention this game and Iā€™ve been trying to give them more attention.

i dont think etha trying to kill drinks in a mountainous is necessarily clearing as they were both poe and wagons

also what are ur current scumreads? etha and demisha? do u have a third?

Whatā€™s the difference between that one game where Litten played you as a wolf with Kiiruma, Zone and whoever else it was.

And this game.

Day 2 Vote Count 3

Etha (3): lol, Litten, Zorvo
Zorvo (2): Zenon, MerpyDerpy
Litten (1): tutuu

Not Voting (7): Jormok, Demisha, Etha, Arctic, Magnus, Drinks, Doodleshy

this does not bode well for me surviving if tutuu learns of this

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no one inform her


@Zorvo tell me :smiling_imp:

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You can not vote someone and still wolf read them.

Look at Etha for example.
Werenā€™t you reading them?

VOTE: Litten

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Iā€™ll join A game of your choice if you donā€™t


Hey Litten Look!

If you vote me I become top wagon.