Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

no wolf is pushing my wagon here if Etha is a wolf because I would be dead if that was the case, the reason I am not dead is because Etha isn’t a wolf and wolves don’t care or Etha is a wolf and tbey are too busy bussing Etha

Yes it issssss

Hope nap is good!

Very wrong, Scum Etha is Scum

I think that was very clear, was it not? The whole bet thing?

If you look hard enough, you’ll find something wolfy in anything. I am never an exception to that.

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tutuu was very vibes for why i initial read them as town, the questions that they were asking felt town and the statements/help they gave felt good to me.

Posts like these (not gonna quote whole posts to keep this one not too big looking)
tutuu explaining zenon town-meta

questioning to understand zenon’s logic

once again questioning to understand

i also thought that tutuu forgetting their name was very townie-coded

Litten felt very confident about their game which is what i’d expect from someone with the 2021 Best Scum Player tag no matter what side they were on but it felt good to me.

This felt like Litten trying to diffuse this prompt from Leafia so that they didn’t have to spend the rest of the day arguing

looking for Leafia to elaborate on their stance and prove their townieness

similar to something i said made tutuu look townie, looking for understanding on why they felt how they did

they did say they aren’t mafia so they can’t be :nerd_face:

Super scum etha, because they know how I play games, and are blissfully not talking about it.

@Etha ?

i have talked about it i thought?

Last game I think you did, this game? nah

Or I’m wrong again, but you know I am a choatic SoB.

Whactha think of this Etha
Cuz I get sense of agenda from this

The agenda is that Etha should know me better, and I am disapointed if they don’t.

Arctic you are here right



Thank you for reminding me
Pandabus is out again
Be back in however long it takes me to read that

Like I will die just to prove you wrong Etha I will never self vote, but God I hope it’s between me and you at the end of the day, because then either way things are gonna happen.

Or well, I might self vote as a joke, don’t hold me to this always. But like, I’ll voice it if it is a joke.

Day 2 Votecount 11

Etha (4): lol, Jormok, Litten, Zenon
Litten (3): Magnus, tutuu, Zorvo
Jormok (2): Arctic, Etha

Not Voting (4): Drinks, Doodleshy, MerpyDerpy, Demisha

Ayyyy macarena

yall arent doing anything either yall just walking

today i fixed my tv , cleaned my garden and my room ; i bet u played video games or went to work… lazy ass


ur a big boy u can handle it