Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

This is interesting
Magnus pops in every once in a while and gives very in depth and insightful posts but I haven’t been keeping track of who they haven’t talked about



I can kinda see that if a while from now we see either flip W

if magnus is a wolf my meta makes it so I’m lock clear
it’s so lock tight

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who havent u talked about by now


I’m lock clear


Which is kind of why you’re not a great flip even if you have high chances of W (not today but in general)

damn… zorvo in shambles

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@Demisha you’ve been kind of dancing around litten’s slot but what are your actual thoughts on him, can you summarize please

also, who do you even wolfread rn

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there are at least 9 other idiots in this game with me


learn to count pls


I’m definitely 1 of them

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i read demisha’s iso today and it doesn’t feel like they are trying to solve the game, they have hardly given any of their own stances proactively, most of their posts are responding to other ppl and filling in bits and pieces but not many independent takes

like they were fine killing etha just cuz zenon wanted to kill her before they even read her iso in this post which still concerned me cuz of the comment about “guilt free” feeling strange

and im worried that this post:

could be TMI cuz i don’t think it makes much sense to use this logic to say wagons are v/v when if v/w wolves could just pile on the v or buss

if you disagree with me please read the posts rather than just saying “their d1 was towny or smth”

and her recent posts just felt extremely textbook wolf with agreeing to the suspicion on them + defeatism thing

we dont have to wagon them today but i want u guys to revisit her tomorrow or smth

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I would kill may for this post

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VOTE: Demisha
Alright let’s kill the obvious wolf

Let the record show that the “would kill may” radar has been right 100% of the time

I’m a mess right now is what I am
I began D2 feeling bad about Litten’s slot, then some people pointed out some things about him doing agenda filled actions which made sense to me at the time but then I felt like he was making sense later at night and today so idk

You’ve been pretty wary of me most of this day even if I pointed out that I was concerned you hadn’t been before so I’m still comfortable knowing you’re town.

Merpy → idk I actually don’t remember a lot from her today

lol → same deal

Zenon’s actions still don’t feel like she’s trying to push an agenda or fulfill ulterior hidden schemes

Jormok’s reaction to Etha pushing him felt pretty out of place for Jormok, I’ve played enough games with Jormok to know that he doesn’t lose his cool when people suspect him and just in general he’s pretty level headed so that came out of nowhere but idk, if I’m wrong about that and it had consequences in the future I’d definitely aggravate his rare annoyance at being suspected and indirectly encourage this bad habit in his subconscious which isn’t what I’m interested in long term

Etha felt pretty identical to the drww invitational we talked about but then you pointed out the thing about not knowing how long night phases are being kinda telling of her villager which made A LOT of sense to me but then lol also argued that he as a villager doesn’t even know how long day phases are and hell even I didn’t know how long day phases were until halfway through D1 like a dumbass so I can see it both ways

Drinks feels like they’ve been around more today than yesterday with practically zero fluff posts which is a nice look for them, I know their meta isn’t to tryhard solve the game but they still ask good questions and them trying to steer away from “previous game” info lines up with Drinks’ ideal way to solve the game which is what town Drinks would be trying to do, if it was wolf drinks I think they’d let that slide and maybe even encourage it (even if i think previous game info is a pretty good metric when used correctly anyways)

Zorvo is chaotic and spammy, I’m trying not to read this slot too much because it’s hard to keep up with but they’re pushing people so insistently and so frequently that it lines up with another game I had with them in which they were town

I started off listing random people off the top of my head then halfway through decided to scroll up to the player list and try to go one by one, this is where my head’s at atm

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So logically speaking

VOTE: Etha

is the vote that makes the most sense for my notes board today

@etha thoughts ?

I will go on the record of saying, your honor, I did it for the funny.

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