Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

This is an excellent take btw,

I’ve been riding it because I’m a lazy ass but y’all have been giving me free passes with this throughout the entire game lol

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There wasn’t enough spice in it, I wanted more spice!

Not once have I done an extensive ISO on anyone because i’m zzzzz but that’s not a good reason to let me slide

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Fair they are so good though

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Same thoughts here

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Zenon thinks it’s weird, I also think it’s weird but I like the weird.

@tutuu what are you thinking right now


I’m thinking pandabus is a great book series

im just thinking over how much litten openwolfed and trolled this game and im thinking he was town all along and im sighing

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I don’t think it’s weird, I don’t remember if I had exactly 2 other games with them or just 1 but the other one if I recall correctly the dude claimed to be a vigilante day 1 and it was a bluff
They also just posted and pushed aggressively a lot like they have been this game so I can see it

ok heres a serious question

ia solving the game actually towny?


uhh i think i understand where her head is at

if she thinks that i’m playing like i did in drww invitational then it makes sense to vote me since i was scum in that game

i have heavy bias towards demi bc i wanted to jump in her backpack and let her lead at the start of the game. i am surprised that she didn’t vote for jormok despite saying that he was doing something she considered out of character.

their drinks read makes sense and i would’ve been pretty surprised if she parked a vote on them

zorvo is chaotic and spammy

i believe that this is her trying to solve as town unless the the one world where her and jormok are wolf and she doesn’t want jormok booted (i think there’s like a 1% chance we’re in this world)

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i figured but like
who is mafia then


me trolling is townie and wolfy

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I’m still considering it tbh
Actually you’re at 5 one sec

on a serious note I haven’t had time to put a lot of effort into game because multi tables and college exams



im in the alison camp of hating cfds i dont like them so i prefer we stay on course on etha out of principle


I know at the very least when I die I’ll have an old game that I can quote where I can show that I’m a very lazy town player

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