Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

@Zenon @Zorvo

you are both villagers
how many times do you have to brutalize each other as v/v before you learn

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Now see what you could have done Zorvoā€¦ instead of jumping to an extreme that makes zero sense logicallyā€¦is asked.

Like this. Ready?

Achro why do you town read me?

Arctic also plox?

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I donā€™t think Iā€™m being unreasonable here

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no real good reason. i thought the way you 180ā€™ed your leafia read was pretty towny, the rest is just vibes and sheeping achro + tutuu

Is Jaiden in this game? Iā€™m lazy

Iā€™m also too lazy to read the set up so is there a post cap?

VOTE: Litten

honestly i feel like this post comes from a villager regardless of drinksā€™s alignment unless tutuu is a big bad scawy powerwolf

tutuu are you a big bad scawy powerwolfā€¦


No and no

Although i am only posting 150 times since tomorrow is my birthday. Limiting my powers

I am but donā€™t wowwy smow baby awctic i wonā€™t eat uuuuuu


For the record I donā€™t plan to vote on Zenon.
I just want to point out their wolf equity with Achro and point out to them how Achro just plopping down a town read on them with no context or prior of is bad and I was also explaining my thought to them since they called it fake.

iā€™ll only be worried if leafia flips wolf (they probably will)

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Town Core. Iā€™m wrong on 1 max in most cases.


Just below that. Much more likely wrong here on multiple in most cases.

Everyone else PoE.

Zorvo what do you think of the fact that i was sleeping while zenon was posting and i gave that read after i woke up.

That feels like important context you arent factoring in

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I wonder if Achro!Wolf can kill me tonight and get away with it.

They probably could.

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Dope I didnā€™t violate my agreement about no gif posting

@Drinks hi drinks! Whats ur experience level?

I do like this NGL.

I answered that bb.