Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Litten seems to me like the i-like-to-pressure-people type of player. Isnt it uncharacteristic that he didnt place a vote on neither leafia nor achro, considering that paranoia he had? @Litten


I have god tier town readsā€¦ usuallyā€¦ sometimes.


Not when I play with you uwuuu

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Seems like a very quick read then IMO.

didnt read a single post in FAM 3
what did u do there



Hmmm, I didnā€™t think of it that way. That does seem a bit odd.

@Litten Why didnā€™t you vote for one of us if you think Achro and me could be w/w?

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sure what do u need


ok didnt read pre game so checks out

Itā€™s a mountainous game, 15 players, the way I play the game shifts depending upon my mood. You mentioned later that I am the person that likes to pressure people, but I believe I am pressuring people with my words right now.

Achro was hard townreading me while I was a wolf and that lasted until my death to ITAs D4 I think it was.

how could it not be
given a random townlock on a guy for beeing honest
feels like ur making reads for the sake of making reads and thats a lot coming from me

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does he tend to read you correctly otherwise

Lol is just town, especially the last sentence is great

Because I didnā€™t feel like it. Do you want me to vote you? I can if you want, and we can spend the rest of the day arguing about why you should or shouldnā€™t be executed.

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Iā€™ll be back later I have school stuff to do

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I spammed like 70 posts between those times lol


I feel like if we donā€™t have a wagon above 5 maybe 6, it might just be a town execution.

As wolves cannot control high wagons due to how much town we have right now, where as wolves could control wagons today if wagon number is low.

Lolā€¦ Iā€™m extremely good at this kind of read. I use it all the time youā€™ve played with me you should know this lol