Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I explained it

@Zenon can you open up merpy posts and look at eveyrbing they have said about lol tbis game and how this changed throughout the game


I do not iso but if you quote them and tell me what Iā€™m supposed to be seeing I will analyze it and consider it and tell you what I feel

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ok will do

Thanks I love you <3

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Actual footage of me pocketing Demisha

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My goal is to 1000 post this game

Apoglixies for not quoting yet Iā€™m still reading just to make sure

ok Iā€™m done reading

Iā€™ll grab the posts and explain how their switch on lol made absolutely no sense

Merpy Lol Progression d1/d2

I canā€™t really ignore this progesssion on lol, esp considering the fact that Merpy was hard pushing Lol d1/d2, yet after voting me over a wolf, decided to suddenly town read lol. I personally think they are just wolves together which is why tutuu was killed, and I think they both had tmi on each other, and this player realizes they canā€™t afford to get lol executed

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yeah no I canā€™t buy that explanation lmao

Take time I sick so Iā€™m reading on and off

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really if you read the explanations
and then look at the d3 one
it just makes no sense

Iā€™ll kill Lol today to see how he flips I donā€™t just want to 180 my read on Merpy for that just because Iā€™ve made similar flips on reads like over night.

But it does look bad I admit.

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also their vote on me was criminal in so many ways that if I was a vig I would have shot them for it