Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Sheeping Etha, all three are villagers. Note that I’m not going to sheep the reads they make to throw us off, only their good ones


I mean.
Tutuu’s reads though.

Lol/Merpy/Drinks/Jor probably wins it but if I want to be super precise the first three probably wins


Never do this unless I’ve done an outstanding push on someone.




Saying she will “town read” you is like, we just don’t know, they died last night.

What we DO know, is your next in line on their wolf reads and said they wanted you executed today.

I don’t see the obvious 2 wolves though like you promised.

You said Zorvo was making sense.

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Yeah I was wolf siding, defended lol too much.

It’s Lol and Merpy, Tutuu also pointed this out.



What is getting TMI’d here? Etha being confident or just preparing to make her look bad?

You roll your eyes now, but trust me, you will be stunned when I flip Villager.

As you quote the thing in which I clear every player? What? Read?

Becaues we’re friends who vibe with eachother out of game? Like, you really shouldn’t look that deep into it.

YEP, mainly cause you’re super wrong about me.

Fully aware of that :) have fun~

goooooood dive into the weird

Get rid of me and merpy from that list, and I might try to listen, might

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I never take or make bets that I might lose. Zenon, wanna make a bet over me being town? I think I’m town, you don’t. I am town. So… wanna make a bet over it~? You set up the terms if you agree!


I don’t need your vote to kill wolves unfortunately

True! You really dont! You got this!


You are free to show dissent at the ballet box tho!

Will do!

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For today, and today only… Parking my vote here until EOD, or a good joke arises.

mainly cause, my weird logic is flawed, no other option.

Oh wait yeah.
@MerpyDerpy can you explain your townread on me yet?