Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

This is true but it’s not something I expect Jormok to point out himself

If this is wolf I think it makes enough sense
-Dislikes a town voting [Wolf slot, Town slot] → 50/50 chances of this paying off in the future to push on said original town
-Whether Arctic is town or wolf distrusting that a town wants a player alive late game so early makes sense

This feels genuine and I think Jormok and lol are nonaligned just with reading this post

So looking from the bottom
Leafia [Town], lol [unaligned with Jormok], Litten [Etha’s flip makes this almost guaranteed town], Demi, Drinks, Zorvo, Magnus, Etha [Flipped wolf]

Notice how one of the wolves is in the dead middle and the bottom pit is all town players

Interesting remark considering Achro died N1

With emphasis

Spewing Litten town but we know that by now

This could very well be interpreted as a town trying to blend in with town looking helpful, could’ve known tutuu was gonna provide a lot ahead of time

You’re playing a really dangerous game talking so much about predicting N1 kills, that said I struggle to take this one seriously because of the birthday comment, I can see it being genuine

Good set of reads on Etha for what its worth, I can imagine Drinks in the same team as Etha a lot more than Jormok after having read Drinks and this post from Jormok

If it’s really Drinks there’s no shot a wolf would boldly say this without needing the feel to conceal both of his wolf teammates at this point in the game (considering that’s more than half the team), I think Jormok isn’t aligned with Etha and by extension Drinks is looking worse

Doesn’t feel like set up theater

I don’t think I need to read more, I’m not too concerned about Jormok’s slot for today

Why are you trying to make a bet against Zenon of all people?

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Then Arctic explained Zorvo was going off the assumption Arctic was town and quoted select posts which you can do for practically anyone and you’d always find a wolf which I gave a quick skim through Arctic’s ISO and I agreed with

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Wolf *

Etha/Drinks are same team

It feels awkward how the pairing is being discussed by the people integrating said pairing out of nowhere

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VOTE: Drinks

I’m okay voting this for now

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The lol wagon formation does not strike confidence

I’m slow and still haven’t finished reading Jor btw

because, I think it would be funny?

Me and You are the only two on the wagon.

I do think you have a point about Lol/Merpy and might be why Tutuu was killed over you Litten.

I don’t think your ISO supports that premise, even through the lens of Drinks being evil (which I’d know, because I love doing that).

On the contrary, Drinks attaches themselves to Etha here through bringing up a mutual memory. Etha dismisses Drinks, but to what end? The game they’re talking about was on this site.
Dangan Werewolf Invitational (2/15) Game Ended Night 2 - Despair Won.

Killing v!Leafia without having a strong read on her is bizarre, sure. I don’t think the action of wanting Leafia dead can be suspected in of itself as you implied here, but a subtle “wouldn’t it a good idea to kill [x]” when Etha was the counterwagon is fine.

Other lines are either NAI or valid. Etha and Drinks already seemed unpartnered by yesterday, along with some of their responses to things shining through, but there aren’t any tangible quotes right here for you to immediately respond to.
You condensed Drinks’ entire D2 into one response about Etha accepting her death, which is almost certainly true but I’m not sure if it indicates Drinks as being evil specifically.

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Who do you think is your primary accuser?

Magnus I like how you’re looking into everything and not taking out any possibility.

As should be in a Vanilla Game.

But do you have anyone you’re confident on being town?

Probably got a PFP idea tbh.

Arctic is Town unless I’m heavily misreading him.
Litten is presumably Town for obvious reasons.
I think Drinks and Merpy feel spewed from Etha’s ISO.

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Why them and not Lol or Jorm?

What exactly makes them spewed again?

Etha didn’t interact with either of them during D1 (before antispew) in a way that felt unpaired.
Summarised here: (#5827)


Good thing i fact check shit eh buddy?