Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Etha interacted with Jorm and Merpy Day 1.

Should I specify that I meant “spewed Town”?


It was Lol and Drinks they didn’t interact with but Etha mentioned Drinks and voted them.

What do these quotes mean?

How can I be bad when I was the one that first called out Etha day 2?

For TMIing me


That’s true. Jormok isn’t a townread though.

Are you claiming credit for catching Etha?

Read the passages and not just the TL;DR before complaining because someone said you might be evil.

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Day 3 Votecount 6

Drinks (3): lol, Zenon, Demisha
lol (2): Litten, Zorvo
Arctic (1): Jormok

Not Voting (5): Doodleshy, Arctic, Magnus, MerpyDerpy, Drinks

Etha knows us both, so that makes sense. I think it would weirder if they didn’t talk to us

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No I gave that away to @lol

Have you been reading the thread Magnus?
Be honest, you’ve been ignoring my posts and then asking why I’m town.

If you read my posts, you’ll see why I’m town buddy!

Yeah the player who thinks I’m evil every single game.

Again, Read Me.

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Well Magnus claimed you and Drinks didn’t interact with Etha.

During Day 1

Actually I think I can figure out who the wolves are here.


Vote Merpy.

If you don’t give me a valid reason why.


Do you still think lol is town?