Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Like this is wrong.

I am not gonna doubt for a second Arctic can’t be town but I don’t know why your confidence on them is so high? Maybe you explained it but I don’t remember.

I say you’re good every game.
You’ve had multiple out of character scares, Etha paired you as W/W against Leafia and W/V against Achro, you possibly gave away that Etha was evil (#1219) and then immediately backtracked in the following post:


At EOD you also tried shielding Etha by taking a neutral stance on the wagons and she didn’t acknowledge it.

The next day you quickly shaded Etha after she was presumably inevitably dead that day but didn’t stick to voting her either.

This is the opposite of what I said btw.

Regarding Jormok and Lol.

Drinks and Merpy:

Looks like I was called out eh?

Tbh I kinda wanted to say this:

Because I know damn well wolves aren’t gonna kill me if I was right and it’ll also be good for other things as well.
I do shit like this with anyone just to have potentially a villager suspect me and wolves keeping me alive.

Fuck I purposely even made myself look aligned with both Lol and Arctic probably, so if either are a wolf, I can still get pushed lol.

Of course I didn’t stick to voting here, I didn’t fucking know who was a wolf and has seen in EoD2, still didn’t fucking have a clue.

People can vouch I voted every player alive.

Why did you vote every player alive, Zorvo?

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Is it?[quote=“Magnus, post:6644, topic:5305, full:true”]

Regarding Jormok and Lol.

Jorm interacted though?

Like what are you saying exactly?

Why are you worried about this?

Etha’s interactions with Jormok didn’t look unpartnered. On the contrary.

Like Etha interacted with both Merpy and Jorm.
Etha voted Drinks and mentioned Drinks.
Idk about lol, I think only mentions though.

Someday I’ll read Jor posts

Worried about what?

People thinking our interaction here is wolf theatre?


I believe you.

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Worried about getting pushed by looking paired with two players that haven’t flipped.

Etha didn’t interact with Drinks or lol.

How does Drinks look unpartner and lol does?

Idk you haven’t flipped yet. :man_shrugging:
Should I buss you?

If Magnus is somehow a wolf though.

You FUCKING KNOW if @Zenon is a Villager, she is gonna be all over this one!

Etha interacted around Drinks in a way that feels unaligned D1. Etha didn’t interact with Lol in a way that looked unpaired, same with Jormok only with nothing. I’m only repeating myself here.

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