Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


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Idk what Morbing is

But I wanna join

Oh ok :frowning:

I haven’t seen a lot of the posts this evening, but unless something changed, I think Lol is town-lean (not town cleared but more likely town imo based on what ppl have said)

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I was scared to say too much because the rules, but it has to do with replacements. I don’t know the forum rules on this topic and how strict they are, so I’m being very careful with what I say

What people?

Several people (you are one of them) dismissed my suspicions of Lol as their normal town behavior. One of you (don’t remember who) said that Lol is the type of person to like vote on their own or whatever

I would try to search for the messages, but I have no hope of finding them on my phone ;-;

Eh I think that was Etha

I can fact check that though

No, it was definitely said about Lol. My memory is bad, but I know that for certain. People were defending Lol, which is the reason I reconsidered my suspicions

Nah I was saying it could have been Etha that said that about lol but I am probably wrong now that I think about it but can check.

I’m very confident it wasn’t Etha. I think it might’ve been either you, Magnus, or Jormok. I can’t say with confidence though. I don’t remember who said it

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TF is this?

This isn’t the post if that’s what you’re looking for. I can try to look for it when I get home

Eh well it’s been fun doing this wolf theatre with you.

When lol flips wolf

I think it’ll be obvious to the town which one of us two is their partner.

Oh no.

You see that’s me pointing out that Etha had a problem with how you stated something in terms of her and lol cross voting or whatever.

And in the second on it kinda looked like with “merpy’s word” kinda looked like they were trying to pair you with me.


Have Fun! :3