Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

You LIED to me though.

I even showed it

VOTE: Zenon

Legacy that will get ignored


Lock town never push pls dear god

Kinda feel like the team is Magnus Drinks but I’ve been clearing Magnus BECAUSE I was told they never bus which is apparently now not a gurantee as it was promised to me

That’s my first thought Magnus Drinks

However Zorvo is playing extremely wolfy. Pushing gotchas that are only killing town based on such micro wolf tells. Causing chaos at multiple EoDs killing towns. Zorvo has high scum equity. Examine.

Lol should have already been executed. Examine.

Drinks should already have been executed. Examine.

I still town read Arctic more than scum read him but reexamine if alive in FX

Drinks Zorvo Lol Magnus contains both woofs


No i didn’t


I don’t know how much more obvious I have to make this.

Last person who pushed me for some lie gotcha attempt was wolf Jaiden

Bye for real now

Fuck I even asked about Fact Checking.

And this is all they gave me:

1 Like

Caught wolf that can’t respond to a caught.

You say it’s a misunderstanding but I asked you the question and responded in the answer YOU gave me and then YOU called me WRONG from YOUR own words.

Like can’t respond to the thing that caught you because you know your caught.

Note that I never even mentioned ALL their teammates at any point.

I used the exact thing that THEY confirmed was true.

What is FX?

If Zenon is somehow town I’ll be disappointed in both of us.

Like Zenon right now if town, while I appreciate the legacy, I’m not a hard ball to crack.
I might seem stubborn and tunnel visioned, sometimes I can be.

But I want to make sure I am killing a wolf and if they are not a wolf they should be showing me that.

They claim I misunderstood something but I have everything there, if they are town they shouldn’t be self voting they should be explaining about the misunderstanding, they should be explaining why they lied and gave me the wrong information.

Probably like XYLO.

Are you absolutely certain this is true? Doesn’t this argument assume that they’re wolf? I don’t want to debate with you, but rather, I just want to make sure I see the argument from your perspective. I am curious as to why you think it is Zenon, and I want to see where I stand in your claim since you seem very confident it is them