Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Ty for explaining! :+1:

See ya! :wave:

I was gonna call this out but they admit to self voting and doing the thing they shouldnā€™t do.

If your town, talk with me. Donā€™t just self vote and ignore and try making deals, Iā€™ll accept the deal we made, I donā€™t really care, but I want to make sure I execute a wolf today, I really believe I caught you and your a wolf.

I feel like i explained this already

You have literally spent the last 30 posts calling me a liar telling me Iā€™m outed and ignoring me

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Oh you might have. Sorry if you did :sweat_smile:

Its Final X

In this case it could be Final 5 or Final 3 since thereā€™s 2 wolfs left

Basically it means the day where you need to kill right or lose the game

Demi is town
Do not kill her.

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They gave me false information, lied to me, then I stated the information THEY gave me and they told me I was wrong AND they said it when Demi was being talked about not being their partner. PLUS I asked if I could find a game where they were hard defending and they said that they are mega Busser or whatever.

This is one of the situations where i think self voting is beneficial

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I didnā€™t ignore you, I said why would I talk with an outed wolf but realized I donā€™t care either way.

I am simply not in a place where i can or want to dig my way out of a tunnel

I feel like neither of you guys are wolves (Zenon and Zorvo). I think I may have just been wrong about Zenon. I feel like if Zenon was wolf, they wouldnā€™t be having this interaction with Zorvo. Unless this a common practice for Zenon to make deals like they know they are town and then later abandon it, I want to say Zenon is town-lean. Maybe there is some strategy to lying (as Zenon), but I feel like it is risky and leaves you too vulnerable

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Especially if Zenon is a Wolf!

Surely you see how this is ignoring me

Just explain to me how it isnā€™t a lie and why you think itā€™s a misunderstanding.

Thatā€™s fair. I thought you meant that was your argument against Zenon. You just mean to use that as reference for if they do flip wolf. I gotcha now. Thank you again for explaining! :+1:

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Kinda yeah sorry

No matter what my alignment is Demi is town

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I did