Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’m fine if you respond later but I would like I response to this please:

I also want an accurate answer

I already did

This…does not sound like a good idea to me as a starting point


I checked your ISO, you did NOT explain this!


It is not mutually exclusive to hell bus and hard defend your team mates

It is not mutually exclusive to enjoy distancing and hard defend your teammates

Both can be true. I bus…a lot especially when it is valuable for me to do so. But I have in the past in like maybe 10% of my wolf games hard defended my teammates Lumi is the classic example I can think of.

Now there is a caveat in that I am only willing to hard defend my teammates if I think they are at least as good or maybe better than me. Lumi was mafia champ I had defended her. Alternatively I will hard defend teammates where it is beneficial to do so for game state or whatever like if I’m gonna die would I hard unalign myself by just going apeshit defending someone to make it look unpaired like I’m doing with Demi? Maybe.

Is there players in this list I would hard defend? Yes. Would it be most of them? No.

Another thing about hell bussing. The optimal way to bus is to bus one teammate and keep the other alive. Now to be clear I don’t do that always be cause I like to keep my doors open to make myself look better but that is the right strategy.

It’s suboptimal to try to 1 v X

Point is I hard unalign myself from my teammates in general. Yes. But not always.

I also don’t always bus but if you asked me “Zenon are you a busser” i would say yes. If you said Zenon always busses and so they can’t not bus I would say “that is factually inaccurate” these statements are also not mutually exclusive.

XD accurate

Kill me Arctic

Shoot me in the fucking head


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VOTE: Atlas

I REALLY liked that response.

who do you want to kill?

I hate explaining things I always sound so stupid

well aren’t you adorable

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Never kill her