Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

This establishes Arctic’s stance that Achro and Litten were the two most threatening players in this game, and predicted that winning as Mafia in this playerlist would be easier than winning as a villager. That’s probably enough to consider the following principle: if Arctic feels like he’s dead inside this game, particularly with his reads being incorrect, he’s more likely to be a villager. If Arctic feels like he’s soldiering through, I’d understand the paranoia.

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Arctic’s first mention of Etha:

His previous posts generally related to Achro / Litten / Leafia / Tutuu.

Neither of Arctic nor Demisha started out responding to Leafia’s assertion of 1-2 wolves existing between them by refuting the premise they could be aligned, but rather talking about the other player’s positioning in the game. It isn’t very defensive.

Fear, it’s all around;
But it weighs too much to slow you down.
Now, is the time to act;
'Cause the best defense is a timeless track.

Demisha and Drinks were seen as aligned by Achro at the beginning of the game. I’m not sure how much weight read that still has, three days later. Eh.

No shit.
Him + Litten = 2.

I was asking for the 3rd.

@Arctic who is the last person that has a no buss meta?

Funny enough.
That was what I was thinking earlier.

But idk Drinks doesn’t feel right to be a wolf, call it gut.

Well I was thinking those 2 as wolves.

As they are the only 2 I didn’t feel a vibe with this game

Still wanna call Demi town but if Drinks flips wolf I’m probably going Demi.
Sorry Zenon.

Everyone else I felt good vibes with

Just like Jorm

If Drinks flips wolf I will have to hop onto the Arctic and Magnus’s train and sheep them on you know who.

Actually I might just vote Drinks here to see if wolves are actually playing well in terms of vibes or not.

VOTE: Drinks

I mean I technically never vibed with Doodle but I don’t feel like Doodle is a wolf.

bit of a dead game but im fine with that i got family over so im hanging out with em

fine with a drinks kill wanted them dead d3 to begin with hopefully its a hit

please don’t

this is a post


i don’t know to be honest

my years of playing turbos has made me want to invoke the strategy of “everyone is playing villagery so kill the afk slot” because it’s unlikely two people are playing us this well

drinks’s posts towards etha look like textbook bussing, the one where they accused litten of bussing etha is especially troubling

they still have the whole “wtf was etha doing if drinks is a wolf” going for them because i think her treatment of the slot was pretty brutal to be partnered and if they’re a villager this is why but i don’t know if we can justify keeping this slot around

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did you really have no thoughts on zenon vs zorvo