Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Where does Demisha come in?

If it’s F3?

Ok that is a good point, why would Kiiruma kill Zenon over Arctic?

How is this a real thought though like holy fuck you think they buss lol like that as a wolf.


@ zorvo

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I’ve pushed Lol and Etha.
As I’ve pushed the entirety of the playerlist.

I’m not trying to be full on myself I’m just sharing my thoughts and opinion.

I’m not entertaining this dumb “I’ve pushed the entirety of the playerlist” mentality anymore

Just know that at the end of the day it helps wolves more than town for next games ig, even though I know how you are and that you’ll do it again because of it

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If Magnus is a wolf they can have the win.

They did fucking fantastic if they are a wolf but they aren’t.

They are Town.

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Buddies! :love_you_gesture:

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This back and forth between Kiiruma and Lol has the latter reappear and quickly begin interacting with the former, criticising Kiiruma’s read, adding onto the “why you’re suspected” spiel in a helpful manner, while not really forming any definitive opinions. This could be partnered, particularly since Kiiruma didn’t want to get into an argument with Lol?

Kiiruma can be polarised so there is still that.

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Never said once I Godread the game.

I’m simply making sure my team wins.

You’re probably not in your head but sometimes it comes across like that, just try to re-read your posts before you post them and ask yourself “What do I think when I put myself in the other person’s shoes and I read this response” and it’ll probably get better over time

It depends on who else is in F3.

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I didn’t say you said that, I was saying you acted like it for most of the game


I really DO NOT wanna be left in a F3 with you and doodle.

I would cry.

And I’ll probably quote Arctic for funnies and dunk on him for making me suffer during that F3.

For Real.

You didn’t push Leafia or Achro, did you?

I feel like wolves also expected Kiiruma to be voted.

Like I know how Kiiruma plays wolf.

They would always night kill their main voter.

Arctic isn’t dead, so it isn’t Kiiruma