Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Ah, my bad.

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Whoā€™s gonna tell Zorvo :cry:

That isnā€™t hammer

Hammer is 4.

(Thereā€™s no shot they leave Magnus alive and Zorvo dead)

Iā€™m just gonna keep my vote in my pocket. Unless people want to be close to hammer.

Can we kill Doodle tomorrow then instead of you?

Nah I wasnā€™t talking about hammer just that thereā€™s no way they leave magnus alive

Oh wait thereā€™s 7 dudoi


Obviously Iā€™m down but you SHOULDNā€™T ;-;

Honestly just hammer this and let the day end so I can vote you tomorrow and snap vote Merpy In a F3 with Demi who Iā€™m riding or dying is town.

Literally kill me tomorrow


I no wanna suffer



Sure. VOTE: Kiiruma

Day 5 Final Vote Count

Kiiruma (4): Arctic, Demisha, Zorvo, Doodleshy
Demisha (1): Kiiruma

Not Voting (2): Magnus, MerpyDerpy

Message in Role Cards for Mistakes


Kiiruma has been Kicked Out!

His true identity...

Your name is Kasumi. You are a Vanilla Town.
As a ninja, Kasumi is stealthy as hell. Strong too, and you wonā€™t even see it coming. So, sheā€™s the perfect pick to fly under the radar. In this game, though, her only power is her voice and her vote.


Night Five Starts now and Ends at 2023-07-27T01:00:00Z

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