Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Alright. Here is a list. Of relevant Doodle- related posts from Etha and Lol.


#3263 - Etha

#3952 - Etha

#5643 - Etha

#3382 - Litten

#5904 - Magnus

#3343 - Lol
#3346 - Lol (about Merpy)
#3703 - Lol
#6306 - Lol
#6486 - Lol
#8743 - Arctic

If Zorvo doesn’t get back to me by tomorrow (with a good explanation), I’m voting them. I think that’s a fair amount of time

Okay… no. Zorvo is the alive player I’m most confident in being Town.

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But what they did radiates obvious wolf energy. I can’t think of a single reason why you would do that as town that early in the round. Is this some strategy that I just don’t know about?

Rule of three, scumreads Demisha over Merpy. This is cohesive.

You have to understand this player is borderlining on having a god complex when it comes to mind games and reads

He thinks it doesn’t matter because he’s 100% right on his final conclusion so the hammer is a small price for victory

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What are you saying? I’m confused :thinking:

Sadly it’s not as simple as “they broke a rule of thumb, they’re wolf” because innocent people will do dumb stuff all the time anyways

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Quickhammering is an anti-town behaviour, and in spite of Zorvo’s laissez faire attitude about it at EOD yesterday, he had expressed a willingness to hammer earlier in the day and pushed Kiiruma onto L-1. It’s not a secret beneficial strategy, it’s a way to accelerate the game. That much is fine.

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I feel like their playstyle wouldn’t change much when they’re wolf. As evil, they probably act overly chaotic and do things to secure kills (telling new player to do hammer). They strike me as the type to bus and just be chaotic because people think they’re just being themselves. Therefore, they wouldn’t get pushed. It is definitely possible that they’re town, but that hammer play is something that doesn’t feel like chaotic town. It just feels straight evil

It’s going to take a lot to convince me out of this view, but I am willing to hear you all out

Quite the opposite in fact, I feel like when he’s evil he inhibits himself and his subconscious makes him play more peaceful so he doesn’t feel like he’ll give people reason to target him for being basically a terrorist

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It isn’t a high compliment to call someone’s argument cohesive. If anything I believe there are far stronger ties between Demisha and Etha than what Zorvo linked above, but at least it makes sense.

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I don’t recall Zorvo ever asking for our opinions on the matter. As I said at start of day, I was actively typing a message when the forum closed due to the sudden vote. It feels wolfy because they are getting a kill and ending discussion period early (letting less info get out)

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I can support this read.

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Did you ever figure out the riddle Magnus? One of the two already line up with what I was expecting

It’s okay if you didn’t, it really doesn’t matter at the end of the day knowing or not

So, essentially, if I think they’re the most obvious wolf in the game, they’re town? My head hurts ;-;

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The same could be said about Doodleshy, whose vote actually pushed it over the brink, but your point is that Zorvo brought the end of day about early. That’s fine, I hate it too. I just don’t think it’s AI.

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I solved some of the riddle and then took a break. I’ll figure it out.

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