Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

…You can put it that way.

I will say that you only need to focus on the first sentence of that riddle now, since I don’t think the other players have been keeping track enough to take the effort to go find it anyways

Anyways I’ll be back later, I flip today and tomorrow you guys have to flip Doodle or Merpy, ideally it’s Doodle

I thought I had the first line.

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Admittedly I have my concerns about Merpy’s slot given the recent activity and the contrast with Doodle’s slot activity but… I don’t want to make a read based off of inactivity

Let me check I’m not misremembering

Doodle is new though. Zorvo isn’t. That’s why I thought it was suspicious. Zorvo could’ve asked anyone to vote for Kiiruma but conveniently asked someone who doesn’t have as much forum experience. (This isn’t me calling Doodle stupid. Rather, it feels like Zorvo tried to take advantage of Doodle’s inexperience with forum mafia specifically)

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Kingmaker Doodleshy.

Do you mind explaining what Kingmaker is to me >.<

Is this good or bad for me if you don’t mind me asking? Not sure how you’re feeling because this message is vague tbh. I would be happy to talk it out with you if you want! :+1:

Does Kingmaker mean you’re sheeping them?

I checked, the first line of the riddle puzzle is all you need to know, the answer is more obvious than you might think for a riddle

(Basically you can forget everything about the winter stuff, that was obviously Arctic)

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(I wasn’t lying though I actually love winter and snow lmao)

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Bad! However I’m gone with today’s vote so you don’t need to be concerned about it

I appreciate the offer to talk about it but when I’m suspicious of someone in FM the last thing I’ll be looking for is directly conversing with them 1 on 1 to get the answers I’m looking for

It was their choice to hammer.

In F3, imagine a villager and a wolf cross vote. The third player is known as the kingmaker.
Your mention of paranoia on Merpy, and Merpy’s suspicion on Zorvo, made me think Doodleshy deciding the game.

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Blame Arctic, he gave me permission.

That’s valid. If your concern is my sudden pushiness (as I am typically more passive), I can explain that. I am being more vocal on my read because I know what our game plan was and how people aren’t suspecting Zorvo. I wanted to bring that possibility to light even if we don’t end up going through with it

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It’s honestly not that hard to keyword “goon” and then @ search the player your looking for if you know how to do it on this site, lol.