Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

This was all part of masterplan back when I made this username in high school.

If we do an ML today and I die tonight.

You should ask Magnus tomorrow what they smell like

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And then ask what clone they use

Merpy has played well here regardless of alignment, but this comment…

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I don’t plan on voting you today. Do I disagree with your hammer play? 100%. However, I am willing to look past it for now and focus on the bigger picture :+1:

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No other player in this game fully accused Merpy other then me and lol

Let me clarify: I don’t plan on voting you today unless you do something drastic


CFD Magnus?

Joking Joking, I’m never voting that person

I was going to say: If you vote Magnus, I vote you and don’t look back XD

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Sorry, ask why they sound like instead

If Magnus is wolf, I think I just kinda lose this game :woman_shrugging:

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Same here tbh

Oh wait, Doodleshy’s here.

I think a lot of players want to execute Demisha, including herself.

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Is there a reason why you’ve been on the low for most of this game?


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No doubt though.

If Magnus is a wolf they 100% deserves the win from how well they voted wolves this game.

However their new meta in that case would be noted down.


I have that too.

Look at me