Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

We could vote Doodle over Demi but it’s up to you guys.

@MerpyDerpy @Magnus

I feel like Demi is more townie, so I’d be down tbh

Pretty confident now your both town

I mean I didn’t even doubt Magnus tbh.

Just stated if they are a wolf they played pretty damn great

I also think they’re town because Magnus, Tutuu, and I were the only ppl who voted Etha during the D1 vote. Magnus would be big brain to sow the seeds of doubt that early. Also, Tutuu flipped town. Point is, I doubt Magnus is wolf. Knowing that I am town (from my POV) and seeing Tutuu flip town made me feel confident that was a mini townie push

However, I still want to do my check on Magnus and everyone else like I said I would yesterday :+1:

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Not saying they aren’t smart. They’re a very smart person. I’m just saying that would be a really cool play if they were wolf


Hey Magnus, how do you do that collapsible menu thing (like the summary option)?

I have a feeling the messages might be long, so I don’t want it to be a wall post

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Why is your ego so in need of validation? I can’t even count the amount of times you’ve said a phrase among the lines of “If I’m right about this giant read with thirty speculations in the middle I’m dunking it on Arctic’s face because he said I was WRONG :angry: :angry:

That’s the difference between you and me, you’re way too hyperfixated in BEING RIGHT BEING RIGHT BEING RIGHT there’s like literally nothing else in your head because at the end of the day all you seem to care about is having something to brag to others about post-game, i’m not so results oriented

By the way, that was the day 1 vote, you almost say that like it was moderately expected of people to have really good and confident reads on every slot in the game but put yourself in the shoes of that day, imagine that nobody had flipped by then and there were 15 players alive

Okay at least you acknowledged this, it’s not like I was constantly swapping between the two, I never even considered an Etha vote that day, I’m pretty sure I mentioned even if it wasn’t Leafia for that day there were slots that concerned me more than Etha’s


Demisha (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (4): Demisha, Doodleshy, MerpyDerpy, Magnus

I believe this is the format, in the text options when writing a post it’s labeled as “hide details” for me

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This text will be hidden


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Ah okay. Thank you!



Among us?

Okay cool it works. Thanks again!

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Magnus Town Points:


Throughout this game, Magnus has been interacting with others a lot to create their reads. Even though Magnus didn’t know me before this game, they took the time to ask me (and Doodle) if we had any prior social deduction experience. Then, Magnus used what I told them to make this call. It feels like they are genuinely trying to solve the game and their reads aren’t being based on vibe alone—they find evidence (example: the previous forum game I was in). I feel like any claim that Magnus has made, they supported it with evidence. This feels like textbook townie to me

Magnus also gave reads on people they know. (This sounds silly, but it will come up later in Doodle’s post). This is a very townie thing to do imo. It looks suspicious to not give reads on the people you know. For people you don’t know, it’s understandable to not have a solid read.

This post is townie as Magnus could’ve easily bandwagoned on the Drinks push, but they decided against it and wanted to understand why for themselves. Interestingly enough, Etha and Doodle both jumped on this calling Drinks suspicious. Am I saying Doodle is evil? No, but this doesn’t help their case imo

I just think her partnerships are pretty lacklustre (pairing Zorvo and Leafia off a surface interaction comes to mind) with a few random standout posts that aren’t really supported by earlier reads (Not wanting to kill Demisha at ( #1196 )).

Voting Drinks came from nowhere, she admits sheeping the Leafia scumread, having a weird opinion of how v!Drinks plays at ( #1903 ) which contradicts how other players have reported their style of play… sorta just insidiously actively lurking.

Magnus calling out Etha (a wolf) D1 and D2 and then later voted for her during the voting phase. This is either extremely townie or 4D chess wolf gameplay.

Right about Lol here. Either you subtly threw your teammate under the bus, or you had a solid read. Nice job regardless!

Magnus Wolf Points:


I will admit. This post is a little weird. I will give you benefit of the doubt though since it was the first day.

Aside from this, I don’t have anything that would make you appear as wolfy. The most important thing for me (that makes me think you’re town) is that you voted Etha with Tutuu and I on like that D1 vote or whatever.

Verdict? You’re town, or you’re playing 4D mindgame chess

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Zorvo Town Points:


I’ll be completely honest: the only reason I said you were town is because a lot of other people think you are. I’m starting to not think so anymore. I feel like you’ve done a lot of suspicious things for it to be chalked up to your “suspicious behavior”. Reference my below quotes.

Zorvo Wolf Points:


This feels like you were jumping on a town’s push (Leafia) to get Achro out early. This would make it so you can night kill someone else.

This is a very interesting statement because I remember later in this game you asked me why I was “cleared”. You seem to have backtracked on this understanding that you had previously established.

This was D1, and Etha flipped wolf. Joke or foreshadowing? Hmmmmm :thinking:

This was rough. 2 of your 5 town reads are now flipped wolves (Lol and Etha). This really doesn’t look good. I’m not saying you can’t be wrong ever. I was definitely wrong in my earlier reads, but it is still worth noting

I was going to give you town credit for voting Etha, but then you immediately unvoted as soon as Jormok did. It feels like you’re trying to blend in as townie here and wouldn’t push them on your own. It just strikes me as odd because you have rapidly voted everyone in this game and accused them a lot except for like Etha and Lol. You defended Lol a lot, and then you did that whole vote-unvote thing with Etha.

I’m not sure if you can see the vote count from this post, but at this point, Etha had a clear majority. I think this was the start of Etha getting bussed imo. Either you’re wolf and you pounced, or it was just unfortunate timing.

They then switch off of Etha once they see majority and try to convince someone else to do the same (Jormok).

This. I don’t need to explain.

This just feels really weird. You disregard me and that statement and jump to Lol’s defense.

You have defended Etha and Lol now. I don’t think you defended anyone else in this game except for like maybe Jormok for a short period of time, and you turned on them quickly.

Here’s where you turned on them. ^^

I’m going to stop here. I can keep going, but honestly, I think what I have found is enough evidence to say you’re a wolf. I won’t vote you right now, but I want people to know I think you are a likely candidate for wolf (despite what people are saying)

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Going to take a tiny break. Have a headache from reading :sweat_smile: