Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I backed down from my gut feeling earlier in the game because Zorvo defended Lol, and I think something similar is happening here. I need to trust my gut here again. Demi has been trying really hard to solve the game. I would like to propose a new exe order: Zorvo → Doodle

I still plan on going through the rest of the group’s messages, but Demi feels like they’re fighting rlly hard to get the truth

This may change after I hear ppl’s responses to my reads, but my gut is telling me that it’s Zorvo


In hindsight, it doesn’t matter if Zorvo or Doodle goes first. I just put Zorvo first since I analyzed their posts already. I would be fine with either order

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Alright I’ll try to explain to you after work that I’m town.

If Demi is a wolf it kinda does matter.

This comment doesn’t dissuade me from my current line of thinking. For all I know, you’re supporting a hypothetical world where you’re town. If you can explain the things I pointed out in my post, I may change my mind. For the time being though, you stick out to me as a wolf

Good morning.

Bro can you stop with this shit? I wasn’t fucking copying them, I agreed with them. Like, it’s fucking right, isn’t it? You staying on this “copying” bullshit has been pissing me off since the first time you said it.

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Two people can agree on stuff, my guy. If they couldn’t, this game wouldn’t work at all.

It’s right from your perspective, I mean. I’m starting to have doubts about it.

Demi Town Points:


Similar to Magnus, Demi is very vocal about their reads on ppl they know through forum mafia and explained why.

They went out of their way to clarify the confusion with the MTG game mention. They easily could’ve just dodged the question or claimed it was an inside joke.

Demi suspecting Lol D1 for abnormal typing style. I initially didn’t catch this on D1. Go Demi!

Demi went through the effort of closely analyzing Arctic. I feel like if this were an attempt to “pocket” Arctic (I think that’s the term), then why are they dead at this current moment? I think in a world where it’s Demi, they kill Magnus and not Arctic. In other words, they would be killing off what they worked for as wolf if they killed Arctic.

After voting for Leafia, Demi goes to Tutuu for clarification on a thought. I feel like this is similar to what I did where I asked for thoughts from other people which is very townie behavior imo.

Once again, they are similar to Magnus in how Demi is questioning what is happening rather than just blindly accepting it and rolling with it. I still believe that Demi is townie and trying to solve this game.

  1. I agree with Demi on this read with the wolf lean.
  2. Demi expressing their different reads in a confident way tells me that they’re not fearing standing out. I feel like, as wolf, you don’t want to draw that much attention to yourself. Therefore, this radiates town energy imo.

They also poked Etha here because Etha said she would give reads. That’s huge to me. I feel like if Demi was wolf with Etha, they very easily could’ve contacted them via private wolf chat (if that’s even a thing. Do wolves get a private channel?)

Everyone in this game that I know except for Doodle gave a direct read on me. Again, I’m not saying they have to say I am town. I was just looking for some kind of read. Demi gave their read on me (and do so several times throughout the game). In fact, I think Demi started to suspect me at some point which I really think supports town Demi. If Demi’s read of me didn’t change at all during this game, I would’ve been a bit skeptical since I had sudden spikes in activity (interactions with Lol, Zorvo, etc)

This post made me laugh. Also, it’s a small yet seemingly genuine post. I don’t think wolf Demi responds to it this way imo.

This is Demi defending me against Zorvo. Demi said I am town to them, so this statement makes sense. Plus, we now know they were arguing against a wolf. I feel like if Demi is wolf, they don’t try to cast suspicion on to Lol like this.

I don’t rlly understand what Demi was replying to, so I won’t focus on that. Despite initially defending Etha, they change their mind and end up voting for her. Could this have been a bus attempt? Definitely. Before Demi voted, this vote was split 3 on Etha and 2 on Litten. Lol was one of the voters on Etha. Would the wolves really dogpile on to Etha when the votes are that close? I don’t think so.

I’m not going to quote the entire post to save me space, but this post feels like way too much effort to be wolfy. (I think you are able to see it if I quote it). If you are wolf, Demi. Congrats. The effort you put into this game is 10/10!

Demi is staying consistent with their reads. Good for them! :+1:

This isn’t alignment indictative, but I wanted to include it because it is my favorite post from this game. :joy:

Demi Wolf Points:


This is a very indirect defense from Demi. Not nearly as direct as Zorvo’s defense but a defense, nonetheless. This could be Demi’s concern of me voting in the wrong spot, but it could also be Demi defending Lol. I don’t think it’s enough evidence to incriminate Demi though.

These 2 go hand-in-hand, but it’s Demi jumping to Etha’s defense.

It does feel odd that Demi tried to defend this in advance (almost like they knew Etha would flip wolf). I can’t say with full confidence that this is wolfy. It is worth noting though!

I think Tutuu died after this? I don’t even remember Demi making this comment tbh. It is a little odd that Demi mentioned this though since Tutuu did end up dying. I remember finding it odd why Tutuu died over some other people, but this could explain it.

Verdict? I wouldn’t be surprised if Demi does flip wolf given the things I found, but I am on the town-lean train. Choo choo! :train:


Doodle Town Points:


I really like this post from Doodle. Doodle gives their reads and explains why they think so. Good stuff! :+1:

They give a read on someone they know outside of forum mafia. Nice! :+1:

I think this is where Doodle felt conflicted and kept changing their vote. The confusion feels genuine and townie.

This also feels townie. Hmmmmm

I think this is the point where I was suspecting Drinks and Lol, so I trust this line of thinking.

They do interact with Arctic here which is good to see. :+1:

Doodle jumps to my defense indirectly. They aren’t saying I’m town, but they are saying that I do speak like this. I give them half credit :+1:

Okay there’s the other half credit. I still feel a bit uneasy about it because someone had to prompt you to do so, but at least you gave one.

I really like this read from Doodle holy crap. Good stuff, Doodle! :+1:

Doodle thinks I am town though they didn’t directly say that from what I’ve seen. This does look townie though.

Doodle Wolf Points:


This was D1, so I won’t push it too hard. However, people did ask Doodle to explain why they pushed that, and they never did.

I do find it interesting that Doodle defends Etha with their bias when they’re getting pushed. Whether it was intentional or not, it is a defense, nonetheless. It is good to keep track of.

Verdict? Aside from what I quoted, the main reason I suspected you Doodle is because you hesitated to give out your reads. I know you explained how this style of social deduction is difficult, and I totally understand. However, the statement you made about not being helpful as a vanilla town feels wrong to me. From the games we have played, you strike me as the type to try and figure out what is going on whether you have the info or not. This could be me just misinterpreting how you are. Again, this wouldn’t be the first time this happened lol.

^^This is like the main thing keeping me from thinking your town. You have done some townie things imo, but this is the main thing I am hesitating on for your slot

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…and done


Granted, usually in those games at least one person has some kind a verifiable info. In Dangan Werewolf, I can play an investigation card or have an ability that lets me investigate. Most of the games we’ve played together, at least one person has game info I can work off of. When there isn’t info, I’m stumped.

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I appreciate you getting back to me! That’s a valid explanation. Although we don’t have confirmable evidence per say, we do have votes. Words may mislead us with tone but votes are very straightforward. You can always review the previous votes to get a solid read on things! That may also make you feel more confident that you’re not misinterpreting the information. It is not abstract like language is. Votes are numerical and can’t be interpreted in a different way. Motives can, but the vote itself can’t be

I honestly don’t blame you for pointing this out (you literally should so good job) but I think this is a bit too open wolfing to be real lmao, even for myself to be saying this dasjlfgjsdgjl that’s WAY too open wolfing

Also I agree I’ll never remember the day you actually lost your patience, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to witness that again

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Could you try your best to give some reads on the people alive, Doodle? I’m not saying you have to do what I did. It can be a simple vibes check like how you did for some other people in the game already. I just really want to hear what you have to think. I want to believe in you, so please, share how you feel about the game :+1:

Thank you for responding to my post, Demi! In hindsight, I agree tbh.It does feel like too obvious wolf, but it was worth mentioning :+1:

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Also, Doodle, you can look at my reads I gave for the people alive if you want to. Then, you can go through and see what you agree and disagree with if that makes it easier for you! :+1:

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The post that started our initial discussion included a brief Zorvo section, but didn’t conclude a confident read on your alignment. That’s what it means.

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Ohhhh okay gotcha. Thank you for clarifying! :+1:


Etha was the first to give me a wolf read, although this doesn’t mean much in hindsight, look at the way I went about it.

Arctic called me and Zenon TvT.
Leafia followed by Doodle called me and Achro TvT.
Etha then decided to call me and Doodle TvT.

Why would a teammate of mine bother doing this?
Keep in mind this all happened during day 1.

Let’s not forget Etha paired me as aligned with Leafia but still pushed on me despite Leafia flipping Villager and then Paired me with Jorm afterwards which was also a villager.

At the start of Day 2 I brought attention to Etha and I believe voted them, Litten noticed this and it could have inspired them to vote there idk. I brought the attention because there was parts in Etha’s ISO that highly indicate they can be informed wolf that TMI’ed me, as I stated Day 2.

If you also noticed I believe I even pinged you Merpy, where even though during day 1 and day 2 I had Lol as a town read due to meta with them last game being a wolf I thought they were different I went to re-evaluate their slot as you seen that day.

I also really believed and vibed with Jorm and town read them for it as they town read me.

When Zenon was in thread and felt that this was a all town in thread situation I felt that looked really good and I was willing and down and voted with Zenon on Lol, as a wolf I don’t immediately go and sheep Zenon, Arctic even commented on me and Zenon voting lol calling it cute.

Not to mention I also thought Kiiruma was town during their entrance into thread it felt Townie.
I tried defending Kiiruma against Arctic but Arctic was too hot headed and kept saying I was throwing when I was town reading Kiiruma yet I was town reading them for good reason and Kiiruma even found me as town, which is rare for him. I also even warned Arctic he was probably left alive over Zenon because wolves were planning to use him to ML Kiiruma and I was right.