Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Uh, okay, here’s my brain think.

Merpy could go either way in my head, but a slight scumlean because I’m not confident in many of my reads.

Magnus is town. If Magnus is not town, I will cry a thousand cries and jump into the sun at light speed.

Demi is scumlike to me. Can’t necessarily point to a reason why, just a hunch honestly. Wouldn’t be surprised either way.

Zorvo was town then null, but he has been scumleaned in my brain simply because I feel he’s been the antagonist of the FM.

Doodle is town, love that little scamp!

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Forgot to also mentioned I defend Jorm saying they aren’t aligned with Etha when Arctic was pushing them

I also stated the last wolves were likely both in Etha’s town reads and as we can clearly see, Lol was.

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And Demi and Doodle also are

@MerpyDerpy what is your opinion on this interaction in regards to Zorvo?

SMH, maybe the Vets that know me should have town cased me more.


You’d think when both Zenon AND Kiiruma call me town it’s enough because it’s like super rare they find me that I’m pretty damn obvious town.

Thank you for sharing, Doodle! What would your final 2 votes be for this game?

I’m sorry. I’m not sure what you’re saying tbh. Could you perhaps re-explain? :sweat:

Oh wait that was Lol saying that? Merpy really confused now.
What were you asking me about, Magnus?

Why would a wolf, say this to BOTH partners.

Lol was trying to see if they could potentially form an ML on me after Etha flips as aligned comparison

They didn’t go for it though but still

I think I’m going to stick with Demi today and see what happens in the night.

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This is what I responded to it in my post if this is what you’re referring to

Living wolves have 24/hr access to a private Discord server during the game.

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I bet they’re sending memes and laughing at us in there.

Thank you for taking the time to explain! I do want to ask though, why did you defend Etha? You explained why you defended Lol (previous meta game stuff), but you didn’t really explain why for Etha. Especially since Etha wolf read you early on (according to your post).

Alright gang. What are our thoughts? Do we still want to vote Demi?

I think a possible counterpoint is that Demisha predicted my death last night, and that Arctic still had paranoia on her slot. In the scenario where w!Demisha was “willing” to sacrifice herself, she would be trying to survive until the end off the legacies of killed villagers before they have a chance to reevaluate.
Particularly since it was said yesterday that w!Demisha would’ve killed Arctic instead of Zenon, so if she did that anyway it would have to be for the anti-reevaluation factor.

I’ll be honest.
I don’t remember off the top of my head, I’ll have to look at the scenario at the time.

If I had to guess, it’s probably because they said they would stop wolf reading me if Jorm flipped town and I was town reading Jorm.

I kind of understand what you’re saying? :thinking:

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