Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

not sure how this tracks with this:

if you think we’re aligned and demisha is town why don’t you think it’s just the town side instead of hoping it?

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it does a bit, this is fine i guess

it’s hard for me to take the read super seriously when she entered the game saying she wanted to keep me alive just because of my playstyle before she was even townreading me

Also, please explain to me why I would want Achro and Zorvo at each other’s throats as a villager please. Because it sounds to me like you do think that way.

Why these pairings?

it’s not so much that, it’s more that i don’t think you would think of making a post telling them to stop fighting because i don’t think i’ve seen you say something like this before. you could just be evolving but i think it’s strange

The base concept of mafia. In most cases mafia will threaten themselves but when push comes to shove their true colors shine through. They will fight for their life.

Why wouldn’t I.think of it? I don’t think there’s anything strange about it. You’re literally taking a villagery protown post I made and trying to twist it to make it make me look wolfy right now.

given that there are three wolves in this game the chance that you link two wolves together is extremely small and the chance that you link a wolf and villager together is much higher especially when pocketing is a thing

this isn’t a comment on your alignment so much as i think it might indicate why you didn’t have good reads last game since that’s what you’re claiming happened

yeah i am
because i haven’t seen you say stuff like that as town

Most pl eople will fight for their life in most situations but there are situations where a villager won’t. Like right now. I genuinely feel it’s probably healthy for the threadstate if I’m the D1 exe. Then maybe Zenon will realize that Demi is never a villager here and.if Arctic actually is town, he can concentrate on finding actual wolves and if he’s a wolf, he can go down with Demi. Analyze him like a hawk D2.

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You haven’t seen me say it as wolf either.

In fact, you’ve seen me do the opposite as wolf. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever really had two of my townreads act like this towards each other before.

Your push on me is based on the logical fallacy that there’s only one correct way to play mafia and that anybody who plays outside it is a wolf. It is bad. Pls stop.


not exactly, but it seems to fit more with how you play as a wolf which i just explained

i don’t want to inflate my postcount so i’m not arguing this point further, i hardly even care about it

It literally doesn’t as it’s the complete opposite of how I wolf. Take Flicker for instance.

Your not.

That was the town core.

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Than you must dieded

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Thanks I appreciate you.

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Get on my level though

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