Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

A logical fallacy that when two people share a thought the second one is copying the first one which is blatantly false and also a weird tale because I do live catchups meaning I don’t read ahead meaning I say things others have said hours later and Zorvo has never called me out for it

One of these names is a wolf.

Forgot to do that.


Don’t apologize for vote switching your vote is your weapon it’s a valuable tool and should be used as such.

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Majority and plurality and generally speaking FoL actually has hammer on D1

I actively prevent ties. If there’s a tie I will break it always.

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I’m just goated.

Tell me how many posts did it take for me to find Kanave?

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Alignemt indicative

If you think the key to winning games is not reigning in zorvo you haven’t been paying attention to zorvo.

Not every play from every player shohld be encouraged and approved by others. Sometimes you need to tell people that how they play is -ev especially when that person has expressed a wish to improve and sounded genuinely pained by their failure.

People who just want to have fun and dont care are another matter but zorvo hasnt expressed that so i am going to teach him.

Also lady i dont think youve got the juice to fight my wishes as far as kingmaker goes.


I think Magnus has super towntold over the past few hundred posts. Not only have they been giving useful insights particularly with confirming Zorvo is very much in his town meta, but they’ve been prying into things that I doubt a wolf would bother with - in fact I doubt a wolf would even read Jormok’s wallpost, let alone call out something they thought was strange. There’s also the way they brought up that there’s conflicting meta on what Drinks’ does as a wolf and I also thought bringing up the potential gotcha with Zenon saying “I’ll do X” in response to a post calling her a wolf instead of “I’d do X” was extremely towny. The way they brought up that subnautica thing to describe Etha’s play felt both accurate and was also a novel take at the time. they’re just noticing a lot of things and taking a lot of unique angles I don’t think a wolf does, I think this behaviour is more likely to come from someone paying extremely close attention to what everyone is saying and holding them accountable for it in an attempt to discern who is good and who is bad

The only thing magnus is missing from their towngame is tunneling some obvious strong village slot lol


I think doodle has been townread too easily, but it seems like people are realizing this anyway perhaps. I think it was okay to townread the attitude they were displaying at the start of the game, but the excessive self-awareness for me has just wrapped around into being wolfy again. I don’t like how they seem hyper aware of every action they take and are overly concerned that their posts will come under scrutiny, the last example of this being when they last changed votes and made an awkward post of this nature afterwards

I don’t think these things are damning but I don’t think we should be giving them a pass for it. The apologetic nature of the vote post in particular doesn’t feel great to me either

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Anyway time to bus leafia

VOTE: leafia

Everyone is saying she is not actually willing to die and this is a bluff so i guess since i am unskilled i am forced to believe them.

Leafia you may choose anyone who votes you to die tomorrow if you are town. Sounds fun.

And if you are scum well done on leveling up.

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I am townreading most people which isnt technically a problem as i will be correct on most of them as a matter of math but it does mean i am missing a piece of the puzzle atm that will make things clear to me.

I should probably go hunt for unaligned pairs. Its still early and as much as i claim to probably be idle today playing my favorite game on my birthday does sound pretty dope.


yoo happy birthday

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Thanks lol

I think merpy wanted a word with you about your vote on them. They are kind of new and focused on that so you should interact there today first i think.

i saw everything this morning im just busy atm. im lurking

we should surprise achro for his birthday by cfding him at eod

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Town has won every game they cfd’d me as town.

2 times the votes failed and one time they killed me.


But also i am undefeated in every mafia game on fol that i wasnt cfd’d so nvm


I’m kind of suspecting Etha right now. I realize I misunderstood the first thing I called out from them and they were just using that post to bookmark where they had read up to, but there are still quite a few leaps and assumptions in their solving that don’t feel great to me.

If I’m wrong, I suppose it’s due to a clash of playstyles thing, because I’m struggling to gauge why they can confidently have these groups of aligned players despite not having an individual read on the slots. I could perhaps understand the Demisha and me pairing given that they townread Demisha and Demisha is townreading me, and Etha may be sheeping Demisha. However, I find the Zorvo and Leafia pairing a bit worrying - not because of the actual posts she brought up, I could easily see how Zorvo’s indirect defence of Leafia could be construed as w/w, but more because she hasn’t really given any reason to suspect Leafia. And part of me wants to confbias this behaviour as w/w because it’s a pretty common wolf behaviour to tie your partner to a villager (zorvo, in this case) and push the villager, especially since they’ve hardly spoken about Leafia outside of this association. They also had litten/leafia as w/v in some order and again, without giving a read of leafia independent from this it’s kind of troubling to me. Then after this they vote drinks with the reasoning “if we don’t think leafia is a great elim today” despite thinking litten/leafia contains 1 and leafia/zorvo are aligned. that post I feel is wolfy regardless of leafia’s alignment given that leafia was literally a wagon already so a completely viable elimination and I’d expect their posting so far to end in a leafia vote, but it didn’t…

@Etha are you okay with calling someone a wolf or a villager just by association with someone else without having a read on their slot independently? I think this is where my main concern with you lies but it could be a playstyle thing

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