Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Achro, you ignored my post saying who you would flip today if you were king, could you answer it? I’m not really sure who you actually think is mafia right now

And I could just as easily say you’re trying too hard to gain my trust. There’s no info to go off of, so just blindly believing someone’s claims without hard evidence or prior knowledge is not a great thing to do. If I did that, mafia wins every time.

I’m not actually sure who I think is mafia either.

I am in a consideration mode right now and I want more embers on the fire before I do a paradigm shift on the thread.

Would you call me evil if the fact I’m not sure either makes me want to default to assuming it’s you? Or litten? Or tutuu?

That thing I said where if the lowposters start posting towny and I’ll have to re-think the top posters is sort of happening now

Have you been reading thread or just quickly skimming through it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well, I guess it could be tutuu or Litten if Litten isn’t paired with Leafia and is indeed as good as a wolf as he has said he is in the past. I have noted that despite making him King he has thus far not lived up to the mantle very much. Perhaps he did not expect me to follow through with it so viciously as scum. An error if that is the case, of course.

As for me, I think it would be wise for you to ask questions of me if you anything is troubling you. I may not always have an answer, but I find asking questions is a good way to get to know someone’s intentions.

Admittedly I wouldn’t be surprised if you missed important stuff considering the last time between these batch of your posts and your previous one was like 1000 posts behind

Please keep talking you’re fun and cool :)

Don’t know why, but this post makes alarm bells go off in my head.

Why shouldn’t I try to gain your trust? To probe you to see how you react to my attempts? To engage and see your reactions, which words you choose as I ask things of you. It both informs my read on you and if you are town gives you an opportunity to see more of me and become more informed yourself.

The simple truth of the matter is that it is wise to be willing to town read more than scum read. There are four times as many town after all. It’s why I give town points freely and if I don’t have enough scum then I start sorting.

You should try to pin that alarm down.

I would swap litten and lol in the readlist I posted earlier imo. Maybe even move them down in the nulls and demisha up

Your assumption that leafia must be being coached concerned me a bit, but I can see how you thought that given the nature of what she’s doing

I can’t lie the fact she’s dying on this hill is kind of making me doubt, but I don’t really have much of a better idea right now

Listen, I’m a FM virgin. I gotta figure shit out first, and right now I’m doing things my way. There’s nothing you can say to me in this moment that will get rid of the suspicion and watchful eye, but I want you to know that I haven’t completely called you out yet.

I’m sorry @Leafia what did you mean to say here? I feel like there was a typo or something (or my english might just be terrible), specifically what you said about Achro is what I’m interested in

Litten said he would be much more free after 4pm, so we’ll see then what unfolds. I think he is likely to be town though based off his idea to play kingmaker.

And yes, Leafia ASKING for votes and then going to take a nap less than six hours from eod as scum is… not exactly in any of her scum games ever, @Arctic

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It’s literally not my fault and beyond my control that nobody wanted to go through with it, I’m still willing to. Arctic isn’t getting flipped by a vote count this game if I can help it

I am something of a clown myself

More than anything I am trying to mentor you in the ways of FM. Leaving alarm bells undiscovered probably isn’t useful to you solving, and I find asking questions of people that concern me to be helpful. That might not be your style.

Don’t mistake my interaction with needing you to suddenly shift your view on me. I am just trying to teach you how to examine things.

This is peak theater :skull: I’m so ready for the Leafia flip


And the Leafia-Litten-¿Achro? team consolidates even further

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