N.1 Returns

I’m off today and tomorrow so I’ll keep talking in this thread for now if anyone wants. But yeah after that I think I’ll need to step away again as the UI of discourse is just too tempting for me even if I’m not in a game. Even after all this time.

Feel free to message and/or friend me on discord anytime


FoL really has changed

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How so?

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Mostly just a rotation of people


eliza is now upside down



welcome back, glad to hear you’re doing well! love when people taking breaks works out well for them

Hopefully my deferral request gets approved so I don’t have to choose yet, but either way, I think I’m leaning against going back to school right now. I have no social life outside of work, my cousin and I are too busy to see each other much anymore, and my dad cancelled on me due to a surprise business trip. Now that it’s too cold to run outside anymore and the selection of events on meetup for today is pretty bad, the only thing I can do is read or play trails in the sky.

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My uncle and his fiance were trying to pressure me to go back to school but I told them they needed to stop discussing the topic with me as I’m not going to do it if it’s going to put my mental health at risk. Maybe my issue is that the novel I’m binge reading right now isn’t exciting enough or something but I do feel a bit off today even though my work is going so well

I probably could manage virtuous 4 if I buy some data so I can contribute on the train and leave my phone in the basement at work while clocked in. I’ll consider it

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I do miss learning but not enough to risk depression or put myself in a position again where the only way to fight it is to eat at my study time. Which I suppose is nothing to be ashamed of so long as work is going so well. I am really lucky with how cheap my rent is and how much I like the people I work with



I’m seeking a co-designer and am willing to pay for services for a trails of cold steel SFM. I could name all the rolecards and some abilities right now but haven’t got the first clue how to balance. All that is needed is experience designing setups and a willingness to be spoiled on the plot

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Eevee offered to help me already lol

damn :pensive:

Wait if you want to help please friend me on discord lol I’ll take it. This is going to be a massive undertaking

nah im probably just gonna like
review it


Fair enough. That emoji confused me

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Hopefully eevee’s fee structure is reasonable