Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS

usually on fol strongman goes against both
it makes more sense for roleblocker to beat strongman tho

Oh did the rules say scum can double up?

That would make it pointless

Look we both know this game wasnā€™t super thought out, host is doing their best x)

Motion detector is useless if mafia wins so we should actually block mafia from doing tbag lmao

I just assume that the person who wins the price has to perform the kill to gain the effects
I could be wrong


also for the record if I have a doctor I am self-healing tonight. If you have doctor you should do the same.

also duh of course the person who wins has to perform the ninja, sorry my brain was thinking conceptionally before practically there.

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if I have a doctor Iā€™m healing the best player itg

Okay, fine.

If I have a doctor Iā€™m healing the second best player itg

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Alright, this might sound backwards but Hazard reads a lot more self-assured and confident this game than they have been the past few ones. Itā€™s giving me thoughts that Hazard could finally see an evil role and so knows whether or not he can trust me for once.

I would love if this is Hazard just settling into things and properly picking things up, but I canā€™t help but feel that something is slightly off.

Iā€™m not quite confident enough to vote Hazard because in the world where Hazard is town, I want Hazard to take a real punt at things like he seems to be doing rn. But I do think heā€™s got higher than rand chances at W :frowning:


very tragic that leafia Kiiruma and waste couldnā€™t win an event even though they are all wolves

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I was doing so well and then my Komaeda luck came in and all of my rolls took a nosedive.
It wasnā€™t great

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this is just going to end in a town execution no matter what with the way things are going

If you think so, then you should do something about it instead of just saying it.
Or are you talking about the fact that the votes are 2/2/2 and therefore itā€™s super easy to just change the wagon rn?

My brother in Christ he has more posts than half the game by himself, what else can he do?

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I mean, I thought it was a comment about disliking the wagons for a second.
But I do guess he might instead be talking about the wagon compositions and the fact theyā€™re all at 2.

I am talking about the fact that the person Iā€™m voting hasnā€™t shown up, none of the game seems to care about any of the wagons, and the fact that it seems like no one else is going to be here for EOD

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Him and I discussed earlier that this level of incredible inactivity makes it very, very hard to lynch scum. Itā€™s just completely an anti-town environment. So I guess we just blood for the blood god someone who hasnā€™t done much, pray, and see what comes of the night. Maybe there will be no kill because scum guesses wrong thatā€™d be cool.


I feel like I know what I would do if I were scum in this game.

But yeah thatā€™s fair enough, itā€™s not exactly the most awe inspiring town environment because of theā€¦ sheer inactivity which is had on this forum in general. And I feel like mountainous games make things even worse for some people since some people do use mechanics to solve but itā€™s going to be important to solve, as best as possible, with just social reads.

Hopefully Creature can show up in a bit so we can get a read on their slot as it stands.

Iā€™m fine with switching to creature if needed


That Eliza had a higher chance to flip scum then half the lobby