Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

Well you gotta consider all worlds.
There is also the world where both are mafia.

In a world where Arctic is the wolf and Guava is Town I still very well see that Arctic is just going by their normal play and providing the content I’d expect them to do.

This also isn’t at all a shield either but an explanation and why they believe the player isn’t a wolf.

They could always change their read later if necessary and something comes up or they could be aiming for the pocket attempt.
Arctic as a wolf usually has an agenda in mind while also looking like a villager, I can see it here.


Shending, whenever you read this, note that I am particularly interested in your reads on the four people I just listed as a group.


I am never going guava before Arctic, still, I think. And I don’t want to go Arctic right now.

VOTE: Ashlyn

day 1 ML time

I’m not. It’s simply what I believe. If I could be completely confident, this game would be over already.

I don’t even know if I’m reading this right. Are you trying to say people were scumreading Caspore?

So… who do you think should be in there, then?


If the vote is wrong, I might as well already poke fun at myself for it so you don’t have to.

Caspore is Town.
Eliza I’m having mixed vibes but I still remember their posts and I think they are wolfy.
NP could very well be a wolf.

My thoughts on those.

As for another comment I’d like to add, if you don’t think it’s game winning why don’t you try to go out and find the wolves or focus on engaging with someone?

Like I’ve been generating the most content this game or at least that’s how I’m viewing it and I’ve been engaging as much as I can.

Yet what’s odd to me is everyone in the game wolf reads me except for NP, Squirrel and Caspore.
Which is generally concerning since they are in a PoE area with me for some reason.

@Kanave @guavagudetama I forgot which one of you said it but here’s yet another person that wolf reads Caspore for some reason.

Now here’s my thoughts, we aren’t getting anywhere going “oh what a nice post!” Like. “Oh this post doesn’t fit what I like” Dislike.
We need to work together, engage as much we can and y’all need to stop limiting yourselves.

You are doing it.
Guava is doing it with Me/Eliza.
It can very well not be Eliza and you all are just pushing villagers.

Like look at all of you, are you even evaluating?
Are you just copying others and just going with the public PoE?
How about you do something with the other slots.
How about you put more effort into sorting everyone rather then focusing on a limited PoE.

It’s kinda sad that the only people correctly reading me here is the PoE, like C’mon.


Yes, I’ve been reading.

Flygon Flygon

Well this is definitely a start.

What do you want to get across to Ashlyn though?
How’s your vote gonna remain a pressure and build content?


That’s the thing, I don’t feel strongly enough about a sufficient number of players to make an entire grouping that’s confident. GTH I’d currently say Eliza/Ashlyn/Ninja maybe. Arctic’s post about Ashlyn has made me reconsider her a bit, and Eliza I feel much worse about after verifying that she didn’t actually make as much of an impact as I thought she did. NP is actually the weakest read here rn because I do think there’s a chance I’m just misreading his playstyle, but I don’t even know what his reads are despite him having posted a fair bit. @NinjaPenguin What are they?

Since my read on Eliza is bad, I’m choosing to go with the other option. Might change my mind at EoD if I’m around for it. Feel free to laugh at me if Ashlyn flips today and is town, I already did that myself.

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I don’t really wolfread you. And the part about the PoE townreading you could easily align with what I’m saying about wolves being on the outskirts.

Maybe Shending is a wolf, actually. I need to see more content.

My recent sleep schedule has been absolutely atrocious so pardon me if I’m not really making sense. I’m just jumping around a bit.

How can you be so sure? :wowee:

Literally neither of us said that. You were responding to the readlist minutes ago.

Yeah, cuz this wasn’t condescending at all.
I kind of fucking hate that you think just because I’m not saying a thought about every single player it means I’m not thinking. I’m thinking about the other slots, of course I’m thinking about the other fucking slots, but the more you speak the more I think you’re a wolf because you say things like this and talk to me like I’m an idiot.

And this.

I do appreciate what your doing now and how your going out and doing your best to figure out everyone’s slot and not limit yourself

As I see you’re looking into both Ash and Shed now, 2 players that have been without any real pressure.

However, I’m going to go take a rest and I’ll be up in the morning.

Flygon Flygon

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I was gonna end my post for the night with a solid 40 but I don’t want to leave you hanging thinking I’m being a jerk or anything.

I don’t think you’re an idiot nor am I trying to imply that.
I just don’t want to see everyone only focus on a portion of players and leave our attention to the others, especially when the portion could be all villagers. That’s where I’m irritated at, not saying you wouldn’t look elsewhere but from what you said at the time and was under the impression you were too locked on a 2 player solve and don’t really want to vote elsewhere today. I could be wrong sure, I’m not you but I also know what I’ve read and you said you basically think me and Eliza contain a wolf so.

I also said “I’ve been reading”
Cause like I’m seeing these public reads people are making and the general public wolf read Caspore where as I believe their posts so far have been pure and I personally agree with them. And for anyone like Arctic out there, no I am not basing my read off the fact I agree with them but off the fact I find how they going about saying it as being pure.

Anyway, I hope this clears some stuff up and you know I don’t mean you any harm with what I said.

Flygon Flygon

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Hmm… Interesting. Is there anything specific that you disagree with me on, or is it just a general idea? Also, just to restate, the read on Caspore wasn’t a scumread, I’m just… so fucking confused because of the post and the timing of it compared to yours.

Out of order cause it’s relevant here: no, I’m townleaning guava at the moment
But now I’m curious, why are you specifically hoping for my reads to align with yours if above you said they didn’t?

The order was:

  1. you said that Caspore could be a dark horse
  2. Caspore did the “Kanave vote me” post
  3. I pointed it out

My brain is running somewhere around “Caspore doesn’t like the idea of being a dark horse, and so they didn’t something that blatantly didn’t make sense so it didn’t seem like they were trying to go UTR if someone looked back on it”
I realize it doesn’t help that I made a typo when replying to Ninja :wowee:


I genuinely have no idea how you’re able to confidently read her for her posting. It rightfully confused a lot of people, but you’re both quite confident and quite adamant that she is town.

These points in particular feel like you have TMI on the slots. Now that I used this term when arguing that someone is a wolf, you’re probably town, but still. I don’t know how you got that? Particularly the first one.

I’m certainly interested in your Flygon thoughts because their posting has changed significantly since the last time you were here.

idk if anyone else has dealt with eduroam but campus wifi has been pretty much non-functional the past three days so its vaguely difficult to do… pretty much anything. whenever the wifi is stable ive been doing my best to catch up but it’s vaguely difficult