Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

What I’m trying to say is given the information that was available, I find it hard to believe that you reached a conclusion so confident that you’re reading other players based on how they read Eliza, who you’re implicitly assuming is town being read wrong.

I just don’t know how you got to that conclusion on Eliza so quickly and confidently, plain and simple.

I feel like I just restated what I already said, but I felt the need to clarify.

Fwiw I’m mainly interested in you answering the question I pinged you in before, other than that feel free to do your own thing for now.

Thank you for confirming that
I’m very quick to anger and a lot of people I know don’t take the time to be like “I’m not trying to hurt you” so this actually means a lot to me
Sorry for assuming that you thought I was stupid

Good night :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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is definitely not a ping i missed :wowee:
going back now

This is where I’m going to start this post off, since Kanave’s first few messages are gamestart™
It very obviously seems like a meme post, but I just don’t like the idea of the early shade being pushed out under the guise of it being a joke
my main issue is it both implies the idea of arctic being scum and also functions as LAMIST in a way that feels like it’s far too intentional for a joke post

The self-awareness is also something that I just detest, because Kanave’s literally bringing attention to something in a way that’s either meant to mitigate suspicion over it or it’s just an overall useless post if it’s coming from town

then this response is purely just damage mitigation, and there’s really no other way to look at it. its just an “oh im sorry tee hee”
beyond this kanave’s posts are all just… empty. there should be something there, quite literally fucking any semblance of emotion but it’s just “oh tee hee eliza” “oh tee hee pathological” and given how many posts she has, it’s worrying

i probably
explained this before huh
im sorry the easiest way to sum it up is “her tone sucks in specific places and there’s nowhere that it specifically Is Good™” and I have figured out that it might be the funky little chemicals in my brain going fucking haywire on pattern and tone recognition

As for… ahemFlygon, i think its very blatantly obvious that theyre stilting up their tone and parading around doing their own thing essentially for no reason
the main point i have of concern is the idea that they are generally seeming like theyre trying to create a towncore around themselves and doing it very, very softly

in general i dislike the over-the-top amiability

despite this
i dont think their posting has been negative in general
their questioning has been flowing decently but id like to see more original reads out of them because aorn most of their stuff has been pushing others for content, except for their arctic bit
i dont understand the arctic bit, im gonna be absolutely 100% honest
im also on melatonin atm so that might be contributing a little

at the moment im against a flygon exe
not specifically because i think its wrong but more just because i think the persona will break eventually and reading them will be much easier then

VOTE: Kanave

this is where im at at the moment
i took melatonin like 40 mins ago or id be around to stay for longer but once i get up ill be back in thread
i swear
if yall kill me
the only holy trinity youll find are two fists in your face and a foot up- oh, im not allowed to say that? oops

Don’t want to leave that dumpster fire people call “emotions” as my last post so I’m gonna throw this in there

For the people who currently have votes, what are your reads on the people voting you?

VOTE: Kanave

I liked that case. I think Ashlyn is town.

To be honest, I can’t really remember. Arctic felt suspicious in that game because he seemed to be acting helpful without being really helpful, in a way that’s hard to explain. I barely read Pathological, but there and here he came across entirely differently. Sure, it’s a viberead; I wasn’t intending to replace into the game so early on and justify my previously spectator viewpoint.

Fun fact: did you know wireless Internet signals generally emit from your router in the shape of a sphere?

@Squirrel2412 Is there a more recent recent Mafia game of yours than this?

I have arbitrarily decided to shield Ashlyn because twice-consecutively misexecuted and Caspore because new. The last times I said this aloud about anyone (about two different players in two different games, admittedly), they were both Mafia. There is no reason for me to be saying this except to bump up my postcount.

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i’m not really wolfreading eliza but i think you could be wolves together, bussing her like this is definitely not outside of your wolfrange

i mean i asked you about that because i felt like your post could have been borne of TMI, and i said that i kinda townread the way vulgard was handling my slot, i didn’t feel like i needed to ask him any more about it

no not really

you were in that game yourself… it should be obvious to you that i’m not playing like i was in that game.

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Kanave and I haven’t had a lot of experience playing together. From what I remember of her, Kanave was active in Morbtainado (as Town) and slanked in Love Is War (executed D1, wolf). This probably isn’t AI, given how Kanave supposedly slanked in Pathological, but I figured I’d point it out.

this post kind of worries me… it’s basically exploiting wifom in a way that’s lamist. the fact you have an awareness of all the things you’re doing with respect to pushing guava over flygon kind of removes any reason to townread you for it, it feels almost calculated so that you could make this post

i don’t know if i’d say it’s actually wolfy because i make similarly founded defences of myself as town, but i can at least now understand why every time i do it people say it’s wolfy lmao

why are you reading eliza on postcount? she posts either the same amount or more as scum

i would like to echo the non-alignment related part of this sentiment in that i don’t appreciate being told i’m not trying to solve the game when i very much am. i don’t know how alignment indicative flygon thinking that they’re the only player solving the game and everyone else is bad is.

well. kind of the people you are wolfreading, as well as the fact i didn’t really get bad vibes from kanave

because your reads are generally pretty accurate day 1, of course i would want our reads to be similar

yep i’ve dealt with eduroam lol, understandable

damn do we like, need to force wishywashy people to take a stance why don’t people do this more

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how is this eliza’s most recent post

my first post about shending was that i felt he could be TMI’ing kanave town, but i felt like his read on eliza made sense, mainly because i see the struggling to find words for a real thought as a thing coming from town. maybe you’re right about the excessive confidence though, but it was actually this post that worried me more

(talking about kanave’s read on dum’s defensiveness)

I just realized what you meant by this
you can say it feels bad i won’t become a super villian just post ":c"s in chat

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what? that’s literally not what the post you qouted said, I said your posts feel calculated, and the other read based on tone was on Shending and was me saying that I wanted to TR them while having them in null, where did you get this from?

They feel calculated in that it feels like you’re not just posting, you’re clearly thinking about what you’re saying and I think you’re doing that with focus on how it makes you look, which isn’t a towny mindset