Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

Yeah no worries.
You see Town play on this site has been shit.
Mafia wins 90% of the time and I don’t think Town has clean sweeped in forever and id like to change that this game.

So when I feel someone is trying to limit their vote to only a small portion of the playerlist I get irritated cause that usually doesn’t end well and may result in an ML and I want to avoid that this game.

I think Ashlyn can be town, I just don’t think Kanave is a wolf here and I’d really like some more thoughts from Shed and Dum. Dum being less active concerns me cause I know the dude can give more here.

I mean this could just be how I’m viewing things but I think Arctic is doing exactly that this game.

I’d have to double check in the Eliza to see where I found that, but I could have sworn you had a wolf read there or some PoE.
Sure I can buss, I ain’t denying that. But you’d think I’d do more then defend someone they are pushing and say I didn’t like their “fake read” reaction test and then get voted by them.
I think if we were wolves, things would have went allot differently.

Cool but it doesn’t look like you’re even trying to figure out Vulgard.

And why was that, what was the point of the penguin interaction then? Were you just acting into a conversation instead of trying to get something out of the interaction?
Cause the Town!Arctic I know would be trying to get something out of it.

It isn’t obvious and you act like I remember your exact play, the reason I asked in the first place is cause I felt like there might be similarities here and I wanted a second opinion. Is that wrong?

I’m not the only one, but I’m doing the most.
Vulgard would be next.
You aren’t even close to Vulgard’s level this game.

Tbh I was just trying to figure out your explanation cause I was still confused.

I am thinking about what I say so I make things clear.
But as you can already tell this game many people have miss understood what I have said.
I try and use big words to make things more understandable so I can help my team win and try and get that town clean sweep but instead I have someone thinking it’s wolfy, that being you.

Kinda irritating tbh.
Goes to show you anything can seem wolfy but that’s not the fucking point of mafia, the point is to find and bury wolves, least if your town like me.

Mhm and you GUYS WANNA IMPROVE TOWN PLAY?!? @Vulgard (I know how much your trying and I appreciate it)
It isn’t wolfy to explain yourself, in FACT it helps wolves win more games when someone DOESN’T explain themselves.

Do you want that? @Kanave @Kanave do you want wolves to win?

No it’s not?

This shit, hurts our win condition.
Calling every explanation and elaboration that’s thought out wolfy, only hinders Town.

I GTG do something, I’ll catch up to the rest later.

Flygon Flygon

okay in my defense yesterday was like
very :joy_cat:
especialy at the points when i would’ve done something
apparently i still have the draft on a different tab so

it has just occured to me I quoted the wrong post for my made-up read
eh it worked well anyways

did i?

okay yeah i did
it was clarified later tho

Overall penguin reads:
Caspore: Her reaction to feeling pressured felt very pure; #553 is a post that feels way outside the range of newbie scum to make in thread rather than scumchat
Flygon: I’m a sucker for AtE but wow was that some townie AtE

Squirrel2412: Had that one post about two people solving the same
Ashlyn: Similar to my TR on Squirrel I liked their attempt to puzzle some kind of alignement out of a super bizarre statement from Caspore
Vulgard: Probably the solviest player in the thread? V much biased bc their early posts made them feel very like me just accustomed to this playerlist but weh (also I asked them a question that idk they answered and would like a response k thx)

Kanave: Don’t really understand the case on them? Don’t have a great reason for putting them here but vibes-wise they have a consistent tone/thought process
Dum: I liked the way they talked about being ungrammatical though still can’t really put my finger on why

ElizaThePsycho: Still hasn’t answered my questioning and I’m still annoyed. Dumb penguin kinda wants to give her townpoints for being so ridiculously obstructive but dumb penguin is dumb
Magnus: Throwing out my blanket tentative to read a player within 24 hours of entering the thread read
Arctic: Still can’t really get a handle on this slot? All their posts are fine but none really ping me in either way and I’m still too confused on how they are as a player (transparent yet edited? calm yet sharp and defensive?) to feel like I have the ability to macroread them. I’ll hopefully? get a handle on this at some point weh

Shending_Help: I haven’t thought v much about this slot but liked Vulgard’s case on them

guavagudetama: Already posted my thoughts here

With this done I’m not really feeling content? I like the reads that I have but I feel like there’s a lot of players here that I’m yet to really have a great grip on as like people and tomorrow I’ll probably need to start looking at meta or something weh
Probably won’t be around until just before EoD

weh that was too much work

Postcap has been lifted.

End of day is in two hours.

You mean the player that you put with your 2 read thing with the other being Penguin and you only interacted with Penguin?
Yeah I remember that.
And that you stated you got nothing out of it and did it just to look good.
Yep, I know that as well.

I’m the opposite I think the Vulgard’s evaluations on slots so far are real good. (Other then Arctic one) and that they were looking at multiple others to get a read on everyone to solve the game the best they can.

I think personally Arctic is trying to pocket you a bit and I’m your big defender here and I’ll make sure you don’t get executed so don’t worry about that part, but just don’t fully trust Arctic, you need to trust me.
Especially if I die, don’t trust Arctic.
You also aren’t ever going to win a battle against Arctic late game if they are indeed a wolf, so you need to either believe in me, Vulgard or maybe even Magnus as his entrance posts are Townie enough I’m willing to say he can be a town and if he or Vulgard pushes Arctic, push with them.

Like wtf is Arctic doing? He’s not reaching out like a Townie like Vulgard is, he’s just going with the flow, trying to make content that either looks good or makes others trust him more, he’s luring in players to his side.

I’d same the same for you. You admitted to be lacking.
I find Eliza’s posts wolfy and I find your behaviour wolfy, I also don’t really care if you like or accept that answer, that’s my thoughts.

I’m also getting a vibe Shed might be a wolf and could be with you so I maybe willing to pressure that slot with Vulgard here instead of trying to pressure you cause I’ll be honest with you Arctic.
It really fucking sucks when I’m the only person trying to pressure you.

Oh so I am a bit passive? Good cause I was worried I was being a bit too aggressive.
My game plan coming into this game before it started was to try and be a bit more passive than usual.

BTW just so everyone is aware and can notice this.
Arctic - Wolf = Magnus - Town

Side Note: I just realized I must have back read cause I’m now reading the part of Vulgard’s explanation on my slot and vote on Shed lol.

Don’t feel like that.
You’re doing real well.
You’re making sure everyone is pressured that needs it and trying to get them to make more content which can help us solve their slot.
I think your town, I’m fairly confident on that one.

To me Squirrel is kinda like Dum.
I have no reason to wolf read or town read either slot.

I hope it wasn’t excessive, I don’t want to get in trouble.

Flygon Flygon


Can you just respond to my question and either vote Arctic or follow Vulgard on Shed or give me an explanation on someone else?

I don’t want Kanave, Caspore, Vulgard or Magnus executed today.

Flygon Flygon

Yeah can we compromise on this?

VOTE: Sheding

Arctic pressure is getting no where today cause I’m the only one doing it and Vulgard said they will never vote Guava today and vote even Arctic over them.

Alright let me spell that better.

VOTE: Shending_Help

Bro this is annoying VC irritating.

VOTE: Shending_Help

There we go!

Now I just realize that I am Top Wagon.
There are 3 players voting me and Arctic may switch to me.


I know I’m town, you guys Town read me so
We need to comprise so I don’t go over today.

Vote Shending please guys.

Before Arctic becomes an opportunistic douche and accuses this vote choice not a strong thing or whatever.

He’s right.

There’s 2 other people I would rather vote.

Himself, which has obviously gone no where.
Eliza, but they haven’t responded yet and I’m not confident enough to get the flip over without their responses and thoughts.

Vibe wise, as I said before Shending’s treatment on Eliza before might have contained TMI and I can definitely see Shending a wolf with Arctic.

My goal here is to clean sweep and if I can’t vote a wolf that’s in a good position I got to vote the wolf that isn’t.

I don’t Town read them, I think Shending is the next closest person to flip wolf.
I don’t want Kanave to be voted today nor do I want Caspore, to some they are PoE but not to me.
I believe both to be town.

So we need to make sure someone else goes over, someone else that has a decently high likelihood of flipping red.
Shending can be a wolf here and I’m willing to believe it can be the case cause I really want this to be an epic town win!


My event today went overtime so i have even less time than expected. I read some of Flygons ISO on the transport home since it seemed the most relevant of all based on VC. I would bot get behind a Fly yeet today. Partly because i liked a pair of his posts (specifically the post that he voted Arctic in) and partly because hes clearly put in a shitton of effort this phase. Im generally in favor if giving d1 (and d1 only) passes from effort alone.

But yeah, investment + some good posts so i wont vite fly here

(I gotta walk the last way home rn, will take like 10 min then ill be around until eod. Ill probably spend the rest of my tine ISOing a Blend of ppl on the VC and lowposters since its quick)

wtf is this

a compilation of interactions to do with my RT (analysis was made after all posts were quoted) (some posts were deleted due to not being AI)

start of interactions

this is the only reaction Kana makes, oddly enough
idk if this is wolfy but I think it is Of Note, especially considering she was active in thread during this time

for a minute i thought this was about the read I made up
im good at this
(in terms of what it actually means, i think this post is townie because it shows a deeper mindset)

this is townie for squirrel, if only slightly
(i say this on the condition squirrel knows asking me questions is an effective way to get me to actually do things)

i do like this post from vul
i do not think it is unfakeable by any means

I believe by this point I had said it was in relation to the dum vote?
so really not sure what vul is on about

I still think these posts are villagery—shows a deeper mindset— but not unfakeable.

I don’t actually like Vul saying that he can’t read me at all
feels like a futile excuse to… not read me. Which is wolfy because a town would be trying to solve the game.
idk tho

idk what was going through my mind tbh
this post is kinda villagery tho, considering they’ve only played IRL mafia

(this is in regards to Squirrel i think)
i do not think squirrel was confused
i think that guava genuinely thinks squirrel was confused

(i just think this post is funny)

i do also like this post from vul
same as every other post from vul :wowee:

Kana continues to not react in any meaningful fashion


i’d say i like this defense
but i think that’s only because its defending me

I find it odd that Kanave never really… reacted in any meaningful way
sure, she said some explanations to other people, yet never said an opinion of her own
vul is kinda townie
squirrel is kinda townie
caspore is kinda townie
ninjapenguin is NOT kinda townie

it’s hard for me to see flygon’s read on me being genuine when they are saying that pretty much everything i’ve done is wolfy and i’m not trying to solve the game etc despite them only bringing this up after i started wolfreading them. it feels like their push on me was born from OMGUS and they’re pretending that it’s something greater than that when it really isn’t. it doesn’t help that half of their posts are based on the assumption that i’m town and just playing badly, which doesn’t really make sense with them thinking i am wolf

and more generally, if you look at flygon’s reads as a whole you’ll find that they are pretty much correlated with how much they townread him. the main slots he’s pushing - me, eliza and shending all scumread him. he is more or less trying to kill the people that scumread him… and he’s shifted this accordingly to which push is the most viable following the thread consensus - first starting with eliza, then me (although this one is kinda the exception) and then shending. he’s playing in an overtly pockety way and it’s so overt i’ve considered it may be TWTBAW, but i’m not really sure

on the other hand i am kinda picking up on some similar town tells to b&f mountainous so idk. may still just vote them for my own sanity to be honest lol

@Flygon the difference between me and you lacking is that it means different things for us. you tend to follow the consensus and be quieter as a wolf, whereas i do that more as town. i don’t have problems loudly pushing villagers/agenda as a wolf, you do.

Last time I’m gonna be here til eod

I thought eod was 7 hours later than it actually is which is an L tbh