Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

Ill iso squirrel next if no1 has questions for me

Then donā€™t vote Kanave.
I donā€™t want a villager executed at all this game.

I want only wolves executed.

VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

With 30 mins left, I pressure you to do something and vote out a wolf or I am to assume you are one.

good luck

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but this threat isnā€™t effective at all, youā€™re the sole remaining person willing to vote Eliza, unless you think thisā€™ll pay off later on

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initiative to improve townplay moment

even if youā€™re right about Kanave being a villager, this isnā€™t helping your reputation

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@Shending_Help vulgard wanted to know your reads on NP/Caspore/Eliza


Make your OWN push your OWN vote.
Stop limiting yourself guys!

We can run up a CFD.

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yeah at this point my main issue with flygon is that heā€™s literally speaking to all the people he scumreads like they are vilagers just playing badly (especially me) which is a stark contrast to how he normally treats his tunnels

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Good morning


shending, will you be more active tomorrow?

Stop making it a joke.
If we try hard enough and stop making wolf sided moves we can improve and have back to back town wins.

Calling explanations wolfy (ā€œcalculatedā€) is only helping wolves.
Limiting yourself to a small portion of players is only helping wolves.
Being afraid to vote or pressure players is only helping wolves.

Needs to stop!

and yet we will not have guranteed town sweeps every game

whichi s
what you want

This makes two people admitting to having made shit up earlier in the day phase for ā€œā€ā€œreactionsā€"" or some shit.

I feel like I might as well not have read any of that and the outcome wouldā€™ve been similar.

I mean, can I read you? Itā€™s just a fact Iā€™ve MLed you numerous times and miscleared you when you were mafia. Iā€™d rather hand off that job to someone who might do it better unless I really canā€™t.

I donā€™t know why youā€™re taking such a problem with this, I feel like itā€™s pretty obvious why that is the case.

I think Eliza was the one that made the ā€œidk how to put my thought into wordsā€ comment from early d1 right? Still think thats town, wouldnt want dead today (but if shes on the block ill iso)

On the others i have p much no thoughts or remember any AI posts. I remember thinking from a day ago that the Penguin person will be a hard person to get a hold on AI wise until i get to know him a bit better since he gives out a bit of a selfware ā€œtoo cool for schoolā€ Vibe that ive seen before (not an insult, just the best way to describe it in my head)

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tbh i barely remember any games played with u

I am Flygon.
Iā€™m not gonna assume someone is lock wolf.
But I am gonna try and solve as much as I can and figure out stuff.

IDRC about basing me off of another player that may or may not be my main account but think maybe there is a reason Iā€™m Flygon, wouldnā€™t it be based upon self improvement?

My wolf reads can be town, nothing is set in stone.
Iā€™m talking to everyone in general so that the people that are town make the correct plays and votes off wolves.

? Im not gonna harddrive a CFD on a d1 where ive not read 2/3s of the game. Im the kind of person that Loves to drive cFDs and yell at ppl to listen to me, but i wont do that mindlessly in all spots simply because i know im town. I kinda despise ppl who do so after being afk all day